Flashes of past memories

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"Jimin-ah don't worry about me I'm okay here, you go and dance with her" Jisoo ignored them and said jimin to not worry for her

"Are you sure you are just saying this for the-" Before jimin can continue the girl interrupted who came to ask jimin for dance

"Please jimin-ah if she is saying she is okay then why don't you come with"

Jisoo pushed jimin "already go man!"

There's no choice left for jimin so he went with that girl before glancing at jisoo for the last time

After jimin left jisoo was about to as well to sit somewhere but before she can

Someone comes in jisoo's way and jisoo for sure doesn't know that guy but still, his face is somehow familiar

"Oh so you came huh! Bitch what are you looking at huh! Don't act now that you don't know me!" That said while jisoo was just at him confused

"Oppa see this bitch is acting up a lot like she doesn't know us and she snatched jungkook too! Oppa our plan failed" the tzuyu girl said to that man annoyingly

Jisoo just shake her head in disbelieve as she didn't know or doesn't understand what are they talking about

"What are you sayi-" but before the poor girl aka jisoo say something the man stop her

"Dare to talk back to us huh! You bitch! Did you forget what I and my sister do to you? Do I need to make you remember that huh!"
The guy said with a mysterious look on his face

Something is strange with this guy... why do I feel like that I know him or saw him somewhere even this girl...

"Oppa do to her which you did to joy! So jungkook stay away from her Like that bitch she also wants just sex-" tzuyu got cut off in the middle by only jisoo "Miss mind your language if I'm not saying anything doesn't mean that I ca-"

This time jisoo stopped as someone slapped her and it was none other than tzuyu's brother

"How dare you bitch! To answer back my sister! Huh did you forget how we bullied you it's just that you were absent for 1 week and then suddenly came with jungkook so you think we don't bully you anymore! Did you forget how in rschool everyone calls you unlucky and unfortunate! No one wants to do friends with you cause of your bad luck and we know that you were kicked out of your house cause of not paying rent! And now you are living with jungkook! After killing your parents you are still not satisfied so now you want to kill jungkook and jimin as well!"

Tzuyu's brother said this and hearing this all she felts sudden pain in her head like she heard this before like she know this

Her head is starting to hurt so she put both of her hands on her head

"Now she starts acting! Seriously?!" Tzuyu said that exaggerated by jisoo actions

Jisoo's pain starts to increase more and more when some people make a circle around her and starts to bad-mouth her cause of that she starts to get some flashes on her mind like something like this happened before

Ahh, she is so disgusting!!!

She is smelling like a trash

You unlucky bitch ruin my day with your face ewww

Don't you dare to sit beside me

Why are you even alive

Go and die bitch you don't deserve to live

Jisoo fall to the ground while holding her head because the pain is increasing more and more and her tears slowly start to fall from her eyes When she gets this flashes of her past

"Please st-stop...please..." she slowly mumbled between her tears

"What The Heck is going on here!"
Someone yelled from the back

Jisoo recognised the owner of the voice so she turn to see that person as She saw that person's face a small smile appeared on her lips while the tears are still rolling down from her eyes

Jisoo said that person's name slowly before closing her eyes




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