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Hi guys,
This may take a while to finish hopefully i get enough comments/ messages to update.

I had an idea to write a book about other peoples experiences of being LGBTQ+
So this is purely from messages and comments from other people. 
If you send me a comment/ message and you want to stay anonymous thats fine!!

This is NOT a place for hate. Its a place of celebration and support.
And any experiences you have faced being LGBTQ+ is welcome.
Even if its for your bff supporters count.

So basically these experiences are about:
- coming out to people
- when people realised
- challenges they face/ faced.
- even hate.
These problems need to be known
And everyone deserves to be celebrated.
And me being bi means i know certain struggles as well and you aren't alone.

Ill try to reply to as many messages as possible.

Love ya x

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