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I have always questioned whether i was straight or bisexual. Then i was thinking i could be pan with me recently finding out what it meant. Everyone of my friends said i was just saying this for attention. It hurt. And when i started to develop a crush for one of them i was a slut. A desperate attention seeking slut. So i said i was straight. I hid my true self for years. Then i just couldn't. And the hate continued. It was like it never stopped. But this time i lost my friends, i started fighting with them. And i felt bad because my other friend had been bullied by these people because of how she looked. I tried to make amends but she'd already moved on. I felt so bad it was like i was alone.

The only person that understood wasn't my friend because of a dight over a hear ago. But i knew she'd went through the same thing, but because i couldn't talk to her i didn't talk to anyone. Everyone was finding boyfriends and girlfriends and i was alone. I felt like id be alone forever.

Then i found some new friends who'd seen me at the library, they recognised what i was going through and helped me. A LOT.
Sometimes i still hear the odd homophobic slur as i pass. And it still hurts.

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