Call Me Crazy, But I Love You - Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to To you for reading! - (Not funny but it had to be said :D)

Watch  The Vicar of Dibley - It Should Have Been Me>>>>>>>> , funny as...funny gets!!!

Chapter 2

With females it's said that they think about sex every 20 minutes, when Ryan Marks moved to our school it increased to every 7 seconds. One of those females being me, but I was just Carlie. Shockingly average, painfully average. Dull compared to now, or is sane the word?


That glass is half full. Ever the optimist. Seeing the good in people, but right then it was hard to see the good in Tina Price. Our class slut -well as slutty as you can get at 15- hung all over Ryan, and he was coping with her being there surprisingly well.

But he would reject her, he was suppose to be with me- that's the way it happened in the books. He would be the player, then he would really see me, and love me. Walking into sunset, the whole shabang.

For a moment I thought I had my dream, but it turned into a warped version of itself.

Three days later Tina cheated on him, he didn't show at school for a whole week. His first day back he avoided all his old friends, I remember the first time I would talk to Ryan...

"Hi." I said a little nervous, Ryan was lying on the grass that attempted to give the large car park a natural feel. The grass failed.

He didn't open his eyes as he replied, "I don't want to talk to anybody." Ryan said without emotion.

"Well, that's good." His eyes snapped to my face in surprise. I sat down next to him. "I just so happen to be somebody, I'm Carlie. And I don't feel much like talking. But I will say this." My tone went serious as Ryan propped himself on his elbow. I lay back onto the grass. "That cloud looks suspiciously like Peter Pan." He laughed, it was startled sound like he hadn't expected himself to find amusement in anything.

Okay, thinking back, sane was the wrong word. Try saner.

To my mind, right then, my destiny was falling into place. Ryan and me, soul mates. But I was wrong, and that mistake would see a girl killed.

----------Flashback ended----------

I jumped at the door opening, hell I'd jump to anything. Crack an egg and I go a mile. "Come one step and I'll blow this building sky high!" I said in my best scary voice while I turned from my packing. Usually people would enter in slowly, but the door opened instantly. That act explained my visitor. The man with many names entered. Slap, Dragon, Bullet, Pulse, or most fearsome of all- Steve.

"Hey, Buzz." I called him that 'cause he jumped off a building, he claimed the voice in his head told him to. Buzz light year thought he could fly. Also my first day here he buzzed me with an electric gun...thingy. Taser?

How did he get that, you may think? He was part of the guard, to keep us in line but he was one of us. "Got something for me?" I asked, he knew I meant business, I'm the one who gets stuff for people; cigarettes, books, drugs, compact mirrors ect. The other crazies pay by doing my assigned jobs like washing up for so many days.

I looked over at him, he was being really quite. He was of medium build, pathetic for a guard. But man, he could pack a punch, if I knew of his true strength I wouldn't have tried anything- therefore not of gotten the electric gun turned on me.

Buzzs' skin would of naturally been a coffee colour, but since it was kept away from sun- who knew being a syco had down sides?- for too long, it had turned pale.

"Your leaving?" Wide, surprisingly childlike, eyes looked into mine. You would think since he was here first he'd be the one to help me, but he was barely surviving on his own when I came, in a strange way- he looked up to me. I nodded, and glanced absent mended to my half empty suitcase. "People will miss you." I snorted.

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