☾☼ Who's the hottie? ☾☼

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Authors note: Each chapter will be an episode unless specifically stated. The pov will change from the twins. So one chapter may be Keatyn and the next may be Kaelyn BUT this will be told mainly by Keatyn's POV. So make sure you pay attention to the POV changes. Thanks for reading ❤️

*if I use italics- it's the POV's thoughts. If I use italics and underlines. It's someone else speaking  in their mind. *

Season 1 - Episode 1

Season 1 - Episode 1

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Keatyn POV

    I groan as my alarm clock goes off in my ear. I reach up with my right arm and slam my hand on it, effectively turning it off. With my left hand I nudge my sister to wake up. We share a pretty decent sized room due to Ms. Forbes but we only have one bed. Of course we don't mind. Honestly I prefer it since we both get nightmares. She took us in as babies and we've been here ever since. We may not have all the money in the world but having the Forbes women in our life is more than worth it. I pull the covers off of my twin and get out of bed before she can hit me. "Come on Kay! It's the first day and I know you want to primp."

  Kaelyn rolls out of bed with a pout and marches past me. The bathroom door slams then I hear the shower turn on before light music starts playing. I roll my eyes and go to our closet. You can tell the difference between who's side is who's due to mine being all neutral and black styles. While Kaelyn's were all bright and colorful. There's a reason they call us the sun and the moon.

  I sift through my clothes and grab a black shirt dress, my favorite leather jacket, ripped up fishnets and black thigh-high boots. After changing, I put on a black chocker and layer my other necklaces on. I put on some light makeup and let my natural waves out. They fall to the middle of my back in a tangled mess. I sigh and gently run my fingers through them with some curl crème.

(Her outfit. Just imagine ripped up fishnets too)

 Just imagine ripped up fishnets too)

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