Chapter 1: Prisoners

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Wam! The force of the punch caused him to keel over. He looked up at the face of Iden Versio.

"What is this all about?" He said with a smile. Wack! Iden slapped across the face.

"Liam Pathfinder you are found guilty for aiding the Rebellion as a spy and sabator" Iden said to him.The two were on the brigade of the Corvus, a raider class ship in the imperial fleet. Liam was held by two of the IBS agents that landed on the ship earlier. Liam wore an all black imperial jumpsuit with the inferno squad patch on his right shoulder. On top of his head he wore a Red Beret with the same symbol on his right shoulder Liam's smile and dropped.

"ah shoot".

"Ah shoot indeed these stolen holo cards were found hidden in your bunk" Iden said holding up the holocards.

"Those cards just have holo movies on them-".

"We have already checked them and found that they are in fact top secret Imperial projects including Project Endor Moon" Iden said.

"Well I never said that I watched those holo movies yet" Liam said. The IBS agents dragged Liam up. "Ow!".

"Under Imperial law you are under arrest for rebellious espionage and Treason against the empire" The IBS Agent said and pulled Liam away from Iden and the rest of Inferno Squad off of the bridge.


Liam was sitting down on the shuttle across from two girls that looked like they had been through Hell. On the left was a Bothan man who looked like he had been through the same events as the girls.

"Hey" Liam called Bothan.

The Bothan slid deeper into the shadows and glared back at Liam.

"Hey I just want to ask a question?" Liam said.

Once again he hid deeper into the dark and muttered quietly to Liam.

"Shut up Imperial".

Liam looked at him a bit confused and lifted his cuffs up to show Bothan.

"You think an imperial would get arrested," Liam said with a smile.

"Yes, so shut up".

Liam just looked at him in disbelief. "Are you sure?" Liam asked.

"Yes now shut up spy"

Liam just sat there for a second confused. Was he calling him an imperial spy or a rebel spy?

"Are you-". Liam was cut short by a lower ranking imperial officer shocking him in the side with a stun stick. "Ah".

"Shut up". He said as Liam fell to the ground of the shuttle. The Officer stepped past Liam on the ground and headed to the cockpit.

"Set a course for the Planet Corren Prime. 

"Set a course for the Planet Corren Prime".


Hours Later He felt the shuttle land on the planet. The lower ranking officer piloting the shuttle stood up and walked towards.

"Alright all of you get up" The officer said to them, kicking their feet to get them up. They all stood up and began to start marching out of the ship.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2023 ⏰

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