Camping Trip!

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There's gonna be a total of about 5 things here since this is a special moment!
Dave and Zomboss have a day where they all stop fighting and just go camping together.

1: Who packed the least, just the essentials or half their bedroom?

Packed the least :
Virgo, Leo, Gemini and Taurus

Packed only the essentials :
Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn and Libra

Packed half their bedroom :
Aries, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Cancer

2: Which group does your Zodiac fall into?

The Loud Ones (The Corns and The Super Brainz) :
Gemini, Aries and Scorpio

The Quiet Ones (The Roses and The Scientists) :
Cancer and Leo

The One's That Fall Asleep (The Chompers and The Foot Soldiers) :
Pisces and Taurus

The Ones Reading Random Shit on Their Phones or In Their Books (The Flowers and The All-Stars) :
Sagittarius, Libra and Virgo

The Ones That Are Actually Trying To Enjoy The Trip (The Peashooters and The Captains) :
Capricorn and Aquarius

Other plants were on a separate bus

3: What do the Zodiacs do when they are now at the Campsite?

Aries - Trying to fight Puff-shroom

Taurus - Going to get sticks for the fire with Commando Pea

Gemini - Setting up other tents with Shrinking Violet

Cancer - Trying to stop Aries from trying to murder Puff with Bloomerang

Leo - Preparing the food with Ice-Shroom

Virgo - Just reading random shit on their phone with Moonflower

Libra - Preparing to scare the entire group at night with Electric Peashooter and Solar Flare

Scorpio - Catching a bunch of weird critters to show Roadie Z

Sagittarius - Decorating the tents with Dazey Chain

Capricorn - Just chilling with Missile Toe and Tile Turnip

Aquarius - Trying to get the sleepers inside the bus out with Frost Rose, Sun Bean, Landscaper, Perfume-shroom and Guacodile

Pisces - Being carried out of the bus whilst still sleeping by Rustbolt |I think I have found a ship|

4. Who do you share a big ass tent with?

The Flowers, the Roses, the Imps and the All-Stars:
Pisces, Aries and Taurus

The Chompers, the Citrons, the Foot Soldiers and the Super Brainz:
Capricorn, Virgo and Gemini

The Cacti, the Corns, the Engineers and the Captains:
Leo, Aquarius and Sagittarius

The Peashooters, the Scientists and some others:
Libra, Cancer and Scorpio

Everyone else is sleeping in separate tents themselves

5. Enjoy the Show

The sun was already setting, some sat on logs, some sat on the ground and others were asleep. They all had a great night.

The moon was an extra source of light to settle the atmosphere with the crackling fire. Scary stories were told all around. But nowhere to be seen, were Libra, Electric Peashooter and Solar Flare, most assumed they were just asleep.

But as the fire settled down, it was time for everyone to get to sleep.

But as the night went on, some awoke from their sleep to weird laughter. It sounded far away. The ones awake, Aquarius, Hot Potato, Thyme Warp and Ice Cactus. Went out of their shared tents to look around.

The laughter was just slowly inching its way onto the campsite. When they heard it closer they woke everyone up.

Now everyone was awake confused and scared. But the laughter had stopped by now, they thought it was clear until the sound of a tree falling to the ground alerted them.

This caused the Imps to reach their highest note possible, Crazy Dave unfazed, Zomboss troubled and the others either joining in on the high note chorus or were brick-shitting scared.

But they thought that someone was pranking them, but the missing came running out of the woods with scared expressions on their face.

They started explaining that they only intended to scare with a cassette player playing the laughing the ones first awake heard.

Now even crazy have was concerned. They packed their stuff very quickly, almost inhumane. Grabbed the remaining plants and zombies sleeping and fully booked it to the buses.

And they never went onto that campsite ever again

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