Chapter Seven

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Songs will be in this font

March 23rd 1986

12:38 PM

Byers' backyard

Will was sitting on the back porch on their porch swing, he was swinging softly. He came outside to ignore the weird looks from his siblings and Mike.

He didn't eat breakfast but did take three Tylenol when he walked into the kitchen, which was when the looks started.

He didn't care anymore about whether he ate or not, he'd rather not anyway, it helps him die faster.

Will was honestly just so done with living at this point.

Why should he even be here if he was just gonna keep suffering?

He sighed as he stared into the distance.

There wasn't much grass or trees, it was mostly sand and rocks due to how hot California is. Plus, it barely rains.

But there was a little path he liked to walk that led to a pool they swam in occasionally.

It was always hot anyway.

He heard the backdoor open but didn't break the eye contact with the ground.

"Will?" It was El

"Mhm..?" He hummed.

"We uhm- were gonna walk the path, wanna come wi-" She began

"No," Will responded, cutting her off.

'So much for walking the path myself to get away from them..' Will thought.

"Okay.. well- we left some food in the fridge for you, you can heat it up if you're hung-" Again, he cut her off.

"I'm not. Just go ahead on your walk." Will sighed.

Eleven gulped but nodded.

"O-Okay.. you sure you don't wanna come?" She asked.

"Yes," Will said, still staring at the ground.

"Alright.." She headed back inside.

Will got up and went inside, too.

He walked into the kitchen and got a small cup of water, he took a tiny sip and decided that was it.

He walked into his room and went to his CD player, taking out his songs so he could listen to music, and he grabbed his Walkman

He turned it on and "Should I stay or should I go" started to play, as he left his room.

"Hey, where are you going?" Jonathan, who was sitting on the couch reading a newspaper and drinking coffee, asked.

He reminded Will of an old man. Younger Will would have probably laughed at this and made fun of Jonathan, but now all he can do is glare at his older brother for thinking he deserves the right to ask him that as if he is his mom.

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