hello again

351 19 16

3rd person's POV
A day had passed since the accidental text happened, and Marcy couldn't get this mysterious person off her mind.

Not in that way of course, she hadn't liked anyone ever, so why would this random person that texted the wrong number be the first?

Marcy sighed and reached over for her phone, clicking on her contacts and hovering above it before clicking it.

She pursed her lips before beginning to type.

Marcy 😇
Hey!! Funny thing I've been thinking of texting you all day lol hope that wasn't weird to say

She frowned and shook her head, she couldn't send that, it sounded clingy and weird, which she didn't want to come across as.

Marcy 😇
Heyy, what u up to?

She waited a bit before smiling once she got a response.

Anne :)
hello again
i was wondering when you were gonna text me lol
maybe it's weird to say since I barely know you but I've missed you :)

Marcy was more flustered than she'd ever like to admit when she read those messages, so much so that she had to turn off her phone and stare at her wall.

This girl missed her?

Did anyone ever tell her they'd missed her before?

She shook it off before replying.

Marcy 😇
Thank frog I'm not the only one
I've missed you too! :)

Anne knew she was supposed to be paying attention to the customers, but when she heard her phone ding, she immediately tore her eyes away from the entrance and glanced back at her phone.

She grabbed it and smiled at the message, Marcy missed her back, she didn't know why that fact made her smile.

She got another message and quickly looked at it.

Marcy 😇
In a friendly way ofc!

Anne raised an eyebrow at the message in amusement, this girl really had to clarify.

As if Anne thought it was was supposed to be romantically.

She paused before looking away from her phone in thought, and after a few seconds, she shook away the silly thought and went to write a message back.

Anne :)
Ouch, a hard friendzone, okay
You're breaking my heart— I thought we were girlfriends already 😓

Anne laughed to herself and turned off her phone, she wondered how Marcy would reply to the weird joke.

Marcy stared at the messages, she wasn't the best with telling social cues and if someone was being sarcastic or not, so when she received these messages, she was nervous, she hoped she didn't say the wrong thing.

Marcy 😇
Wait what
Uh are you being serious or no?

Anne heard the dinging and immediately went to check, and she frowned slightly, but responded.

Anne :)
Oh sorry if I didn't make it clear enough
I was joking!

Marcy 😇
No no no it's not your fault
I just don't really get sarcasm sometimes sorry

Anne furrowed her brows, she didn't understand why Marcy apologized at such a simple thing:

Anne :)
No worries it's cool
You don't need to say sorry yk
But yk maybe we could change the girlfriends part—
Jk jk... unless?— nah jk

Anne knew it was a risky text but she went it anyways.

Once Marcy read them, her face heated up, even though Anne made it clear it was a joke, she still couldn't help her heavy blush.

Marcy 😇
You are very interesting Anne
Do you flirt with every person you accidentally text?

Anne :)
Only the pretty ones (aka just you)

Marcy 😇
You don't even know what I look like

Anne :)
I don't need to to know you're pretty
With a name like Marcy you're bound to be beautiful cmon

Marcy 😇
Ok you definitely need to see me in order to know if I'm pretty or not Anne

Anne :)
Ok then send me a picture of yourself
I bet I'll be proven right

Marcy stared at the message and contemplated on what she should do, and after a bit of thinking, she decided what to do.

To be continued...

(A/N) i actually updated a new story for once, I know it's shocking.

Wrong Number (Marcanne)Where stories live. Discover now