Chapter 2

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***** Jake's point of view*****

Seth leant closer to me, resting his forehead against mine.  'Seth, what are you doing?' I whispered. Then Seth captured my lips in his. Our snake bites bumping together. I was shocked at first but then I kissed him back. It felt weird to kiss my best friend but it also felt so right as well. Our hands tangled in each other's hair. My hands travelled down from Seth's hair to his shoulders, down his sides and resting on Seth's hips. Pulling him closer, Seth ran his tongue along the bottom of my lip, running it over the cool metal of my snake bites, I open my mouth and Seth slips his tongue in, deepening the kiss. We pulled back panting for breathe.

'Umm…. I don't know what happened there….' I managed to say. Seth looks a little startled after what had happened.

'Y-yeah….' Seth stuttered in reply.

We get back to playing the xbox. Later that night, I'm lying on the mattress, next to Seth's bed, reliving what had happened. But then I remembered what happened today, even up to the point that we were going to play xbox together. I kept thinking about it before falling asleep to the soft breathing of Seth. His quiet breathing calmed me, but the thoughts of the kiss kept coming back to me. I kept thinking about the feel of Seth's lips against mine. Our snake bites clanking together. Our tongues battling for dominance. I kept thinking to my self;

It felt so right, but also so wrong! Why does this have to happen to me! I kept thinking that to my self. I also questioned my self.

Why did Seth kiss me? Why did I kiss him back? Why did it feel so right? All those questions went through my head while I tried to sleep listening to the sound of Seth's quiet breathing….  Early the next morning. I opened my eyes to see that Seth's hair was falling slightly over his face and I wanted to brush it away so badly. He looked so beautiful. After I kissed him yesterday, I wonder where we are at. I mean for our relationship. Are we friends? Friends with benefits? Or are we more? This is so confusing! Once I looked back up, I saw that Seth's eyelids fluttered open to reveal his beautiful blue eyes.  'Morning.' Seth said in a raspy voice that made my heart skip a beat. 

'Morning.' I smiled back.

'So…. What do you want to do today?' I asked, Seth gave me thoughtful look, then smiled in reply. 'Maybe, if I kiss you it might come to me.' 

There was a bit of a blush framing Seth's cheeks. I couldn't help but smile. I got up from where I was lying on the mattress. All I was wearing was a pair of sweat pants. I walked over to the bed, and sat down. Cupping Seth's face in my hands, I lent forward and captured his lips in mine. Our snake bites clanking together. Seth nudged my lips with his and I ran my tongue along his bottom lip asking for entrance which Seth gladly granted. Slipping my tongue in, I pushed Seth down onto the bed; crawling on top of him. The kiss was getting heated. Seth was running his hands up and down my bare chest. Making a surprise moan escape my lips. Pulling back and breathing deeply, I looked into Seth's crystal like ocean coloured eyes.

'So, now do you know what we're going to do today?' I asked still gasping for air.

'Yeah,' Seth replied 'Why don't we spend tonight and tomorrow night at your house?' I gave Seth a thoughtful look then smiled in reply.

'Yeah….'  So today, tonight and tomorrow and tomorrow night, I'm going to have Seth staying with me. This is going to get very interesting….


***** Seth's point of view*****

I leant in closer to Jake. Resting my forehead against his.

'Seth, what are you doing?' Jake whispered to me. But before I could think about what I was doing, I kissed Jake. Capturing his soft lips in mine, our snake bites clanked together. I ran my tongue along Jake's bottom lip, running it over the cool metal of his snake bite. He opened his mouth and I slipped my tongue in. Our tongues battled for dominance, and I think I won that one. Letting my tongue take in every inch of Jake's mouth. Jake pulled away seconds later, panting for breathe.

'Umm… I don't know what happened there….' Jake managed to say. I looked a little startled to what happened. I didn't expect that to exactly happen. I mean, it was a sort of a kiss right?

'Y-yeah….' I managed to stutter in reply. We got back to playing xbox. But all I could think about while playing was;

Why did I just kiss my best friend? I do have a crush on him, I think. 

Yeah, I think I might have a crush on my best friend, even better! I'm in love with my best friend! I can't believe this but I am in love with my best friend. Later that night, I peered one eye open to see that Jake was sleeping peacefully. He's black and red hair falling slightly over his face and he looked like an angel just lying in the mattress. I think he's my angel. My beautiful brown- eyed angel. He is all I can think about, while I slept that night. 

Early the next morning, I could feel my black and electric blue streaked hair fall into my face, I could also feel a certain someone's brown eyes staring at me. My eyelids fluttered open to reveal my crystal like ocean blue eyes. Jake was looking at me.

'Morning.' I smiled with my voice husky from sleep. Jake smiled back.

'Morning.' Jake smiled in reply and his voice was husky with sleep as well and it sounded sexy! 

Wait! Did I just say that my best friend's morning voice is sexy? Bad Seth! Very Bad Seth

'So…. What do you want to do today?' Jake asked me and I gave him a thoughtful look for a moment then replied;

'Maybe, if I kiss you it might come to me.' I replied with a slight blush covering my checks. Jake couldn't help but smile at me. He got up off the mattress, only in his sweat pants, he walks over to me and sits down. Jake cupped my face with his hands, leaning in he captured my lips in his, our snake bites clinking together. I nudged his lips with mine, Jake ran his tongue along my bottom lip asking for entrance which I granted. Jake slipped his tongue in and our tongues battled for dominance. While I was distracted by this, Jake pushed me back against the bed then crawled on top of me. We pulled back taking in deep breathes and gasping for air. 

'So, have you decided what we're going to do today?' Jake asked in between breathes. 

'Yeah,' I smiled in reply 'Why don't we spend tonight and tomorrow night at your house?'  Jake gave me a thoughtful look then smiled in reply;


Today, tonight, tomorrow and tomorrow night is going to be very interesting….  


What do you think is going to happen?  

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Love for an Emo Friend (Boyxboy/girlxgirl) *Short Story* *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now