Chapter 1

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Elle's POV
Noah hadn't left for Harvard he stayed for my birthday. Noah  loves me and I love him. So much has happened the past few weeks it has been overwhelming. After Noah and I woke up the next morning I went downstairs to see Lee.  "  Did you guys have to be gross last night? I know I forgave you but you didn't need to be so loud last night." Lee complained. " Good morning to you too Lee." I laughed as I playfully smacked him. June was making breakfast as Lee suddenly started staring at me and smirking. "What is it Lee?"I questioned. Suddenly Lee jumps up from the couch and picks me up and carries me outside.

"Lee I swear if you toss me into the p-!" I screamed at my body smacked against the cold water. I climbed out of the pool and Lee handed me a towel as if nothing happened. " Really Lee now I'm soaking wet and I'm freezing!" I yelled at him. The look on Lee's face was shocked. I had never reacted that way before. What is wrong with me? "Lee I'm really sorry for yelling at you I don't know what came over me I love you dork." I apologized. Lee hugged me and I just started crying and I couldn't stop. "Shelly what's wrong  talk to me please." Lee begged me to answer. The truth is ever since my mom died I have lashed out at people and started crying I don't know why it happens.

I decided to bolt out of the Flynn's house and down the street. I heard Lee and Noah yell out for me to stop. I couldn't stop I felt guilty, guilty of lashing out at everyone in my life ruining everyone else's lives because of my breakdowns. I ran to my mom's grave.

Lee's POV

When I saw Elle's face I knew what was happening. She was going to break down crying letting out all of the emotions she tried to hide. Ever since we lost Joni Elle has been broken, Since she started dating Noah she has healed a little bit.

"ELLE WAIT STOP!!" I screamed begging her to come back. My fear spiraled she is too upset to drive! What if she gets hurt? I can't loose Elle. " Lee get in the car we are going to go find Elle." Noah stated.  After 4 hours of searching we couldn't find Elle anywhere!

A/N please let me know how the story is I'm writing my first ever fan fiction I hope you enjoy new chapters coming soon <3

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