Part 8

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I pace around the cell while Owen sits on a bench by the wall. I glance at the walls looking for some way out of here. I stare at the big doors almost willing them to open with my mind. 

"Hello, y/n." A voice says. I turn around to see Mr. Mills standing on the other side of the bars looking at me in mock pity. "I just wanted to come and apologize. I didn't wanna bring you into any of this," He takes a step closer to the bars. I walk towards him as well. "but it was the only way that we could get the raptor." I sprint towards the bars and thrust my arm through the gap trying to grab the bastard. Mills steps back out of my reach. "We needed it." 

Owen grabs me from behind and pulls me away from the bars trying to calm me down. "Come on." He says softly. 

I twist myself from his grasp and exhale sharply as I walk away. 

"So, what? This is it?" Owen begins speaking with Mills. "I mean, you're a smart guy, you could have started a foundation, cured cancer, but instead you, what? Sell endangered species?" 

"I saved these animals." Mills fires back. 

I whip around and glare at the man. "You betrayed a dying man for money." I snarl.

"y/n, I admire your idealism, but we both exploited these animals. At least I have the integrity to admit it." Mills says turning to me. 

"I never, ever did anything remotely illegal." I snap back. 

"You authorized the release of the raptors on the off chance that they may actually kill the lndominus rex. You exploited living things in a cage for your own gain. How is that different? Huh?" He asks. "And you both proved raptors can follow orders. You never thought about the applications of your research, Owen, y/n? How many millions a trained predator might be worth? You two, you're the parents of the new world." Mills states stepping closer to the cage. He places his hands on the bar. 

Before he can react Owen grabs his wrist and pulls his arm through the bar, positioning it so that one little twist will break his arm. Mills groans in pain. Wheatly pulls a gun from his belt and points it at Owen. 

"Hey, let him go!" Wheatly demands. 

I walk over to Owen and place my hands on Mills's arm as if that would help should Owen break it. I look into Owen's eyes silently begging him not to do anything stupid because if he does Wheatly will shoot him. "Owen." I beg.

"I think I'll break it." He says with a smirk. 

"Let him go." Wheatly demands.  

Owen lets go of Mills' wrist with a huff. Mills exhales in relief as he pulls his arm back through the bar. Mills turns to me. "y/n, I just want..." He doesn't get to finish as I quickly reach through the bars, grab him by his tie and pull him in. He hits his head on the bars with a groan and stumbles back. 

Owen chuckles from behind me. I glare at Mills. Mills stands back up. His glasses are broken. I step away from the bars down to Owen's side. 

"Say, how we gonna end this?" Wheatly whispers to Mills. 

"Well, as far as everybody else is concerned, they burned up on the island." Mills glares at the both of us. I just cross my arms. On that final note, Mills and Wheatly walk away. 

"Shit!" I curse when they're out of sight. 


There is no way to tell time down in the cage. Eventually, all the scientists and soldiers moved on from our area. It seemed like they were preparing for something big. An auction. 

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