Chapter 12

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Karina couldn't bear to look at the scene that's happening infront of her, the girl was hugging Winter tightly while burying her head on the crook of the brunette's neck. The raven looked down and clenched her jaw, she reminded herself that she doesn't have the rights to get jealous not when Winter was still courting her. Winter pulled away from the hug as soon as she snap back to her senses. "W-why are you here?". Winter said stuttering.

"Im here for us to get back together again Minjeong, i want to fix the mistakes i've done to you in the past. The years that we've been separated, that's why i came back here to seoul looking for you. I want to fix us Minjeong". Yiren said her voice sounded as gentle as ever, the voice that used to comfort and bring the brunette to sleep whenever she had nightmares, the face that would always make Winter smile and give inspiration on doing the things she love, it's back again and it scares her.

Winter couldn't utter a word, she's speechless. The only thing that's on her mind right now was the girls soft hands cupping her face, staring at her lovingly liked the old times. The brunette closed her eyes she couldn't stop that tears that were slowly streaming down her cheeks from the overwhelming feeling that she's feeling right now.

"Who is she love?". Yiren asked pointing her finger towards the raven that's staring at them with an emotionless expression. Winter turned her head around and caught a glimpse of Karina's face. Taeyeon who's watching the entire scene suddenly felt nervous. As much as she loves the brunette as her daughter she couldn't afford to witness the woman make another mistake. "S-she's my...". Yiren looked back at her waiting for her answer.

Before Winter could even utter a word the loud sound of the door shutting echoed inside the room, Karina had ran out.


Karina's POV

I couldn't stand a second being there inside that house, i feel suffocated as if i don't belong there. The way her brothers stare at me and the way that girl hold her in her arms as if she's her property, its all hurting me. I wiped the tears that's falling down my cheeks i sat on down the corner of some street and let my back touch the wall as i cried.

Why am i crying? I guess it's really true, i have fallen for her. I am so stupid to fall for someone who's already in a relationship. The way that girl called her love and the longing in Winter's eyes, i already knew that she will choose her. I feel so pathetic compared to that Yiren girl she has everything, meanwhile me i don't.

I closed my eyes and wiped the tears that's on my face, i was ready to leave and just go back to my place but then a voice made me stop. "Why did you run away?". I looked at my back and didn't expect to see Taeyeon unnie panting as she stopped infront of me probably chasing her breath from all the running. "U-unnie why are you here?".

"I chased after you ofc, i don't want to Minjeong to lose a treasure that's already infront of her. I promised her that i'll be her wingman anyways". She joked and let out a soft chuckle. I bit my lower lip and stared down the ground, i don't even know what to reply. "You're confused and you have many questions i can see that, but don't you think running away without answers can solve them?".

I gulped. "That girl who is she?". I asked, i want to clarify one thing. "That woman was Minjeong's highschool sweet heart they dated for about 5 years but unfortunately their relationship never really ended that well". I raised my head up and stared at her full of curiosity, she let out a sigh and sat down beside me, telling me the whole story starting from the beginning. 

"She was Minjeong's first love, Yiren was the girl that accepted her for who she is and saw her as a very special person other than me. The two loved each other very much". Taeyeon unnie smiled as she mentioned the last part.

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