Chapter one still lol

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Leila and Chop were taking a daily stroll, talking about newly cookies and teas, usually it's not that normal for them to be silent, after all, Eyeris seems to be very pissed off when this happens.. It makes Leila rethink her thoughts about Eyeris being her older brother.. Chop enjoys Leila's company, although with Eyeris he always gets intimidated by him, and would be too scared to ask Leila, which.. Of course leads Leila to start the stroll with him. Or even make the idea of strolling the gardens. In Leila's mind, she always thought of chop being the sweetest out of all she met, even making her laugh when she was down.. Chop.. is just Chop, he just likes hanging out with Leila, showing off his tricks he learned with his scythe.. And every trick Leila would be amazed.

*Kan and Eyeris stared behind a bush* "If that asshole doesn't get away from my little sister I'm gonna cut off his-" -Eyeris said with a pissed faced

"I wonder how that kid's feeling, he seems more confident, I say we destroy it." -Kanjiri said with a sinister smirk

"Kanjiri, I have never thought I would agree with your bitchy moves.." -Eyeris said with a grin

*Chop was spinning his scythe before hitting himself with the scythe* "Shit-" -Chop rubbed his head and sighed

"PF- BAHAAAAAAAA!! ARE YOU OK?! CHOP-?!" -Leila fell over laughing 

"I'm fine I'm fine! Just a little-" -chop slurred his words before passing out

"BWAA?! CHOP?! WAKE UP!" -Leila shook him 

*Kan and Eye laughed before teleporting away* 

"ERR! These bastards really don't know how to be nice! Jesus.. he's heavy.." -Leila said before picking him up fully, and walking inside

Usually, it's much more worse for Chop, he usually has the worse part of the bullying.. Sometimes it's pouring a bucket of water over him, or even being demoted. He usually tries to avoid Eyeris and Kan but he thinks of them as good friends, he would be delighted to see them laugh, after all Leila would always patch him up or fix anything the two did to him.. People heard of Leila spending her whole night sewing chop's clothes to perfection because Kan and Eyeris tore his favorite armor up. And then when Eyeris finds out she throws a big fit because he wouldn't stop complaining about how Chop doesn't need her pity. Of course, she didn't do it for pity, but Eyeris couldn't care less

"Almost done.." -Spark patched Chop up

"BWAAAAA!!" -Leila was crying because she thought Chop died

"Hey hey! Tia! Don't worry it's fine, it's just a smal-" -Ninja tried reassuring her

*Leila slapped the shit out of Ninja and Spark yelled*

"WAAAAAAAAAAA WAKE UP!!" -Leila shook Chop violently

*Chop woke up screaming* "IM SORRY EYE I WON'T DO IT AGAIN I SWEA- oh" -Chop stared at Leila crying 

"YOUR A STUPID BASTARD YOU SCARED ME YOU EVEN- EVEN-" -Leila was crying and wailing loudly 

"Hey hey- I'm ok- I guess I owe you tea.. and cookies.." -Chop sighed

"Bwaaaa.." -Leila rubbed her eyes

"Crybaby.." -Chop rubbed her head


"...Good god.. Such a hassle.." -Spark, Ninja, and Chop

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