~Part 1~

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"This will be so embarassing!" Agnetha shouted and hid her face in her hands, in the plane on their way to West Germany.
Frida leaved her place next to Benny and took a seat next to Agnetha. "What? Do you still think about that?"
"Yes I do..."
"But don't do it! The dresses weren't that short, I mean..."
"Frida, they were REALLY short..."
"Okay then. But we weren't naked anyway!"
Agnetha laughed bur not too convinced.
"Don't think about it" Benny said. "It's just the Germans who are tidy... You are just too damn hot in those dresses!!" Everybody laughed. "That's true!" Björn said from the seat behind. "What?! When did you wake up?" Agnetha wondered, as she had tried to get life in Björn for many minutes. "Right now... I heard you're talking about those cat dresses..." He whistled high, and made everybody in the crew laugh.

They got warmly welcomed at the airport. Press, polices and a lot (A LOT) of fans were waiting for them. They were screaming and held papers, pens and photos in frot of them for Agnetha, Benny, Frida and Björn to sign. They did, at least a few. When Frida took a guy's paper and pen he just grabbed her arm and pulled her against him. But the polices and guards were there and made the totally fanatic boy letting her go.

A bit shaky she continued to walk behind the other members and gave autographs. People were crazy, and they screamed like they had never seen humans before. Of course, all four knew that they were stars with a lot of fans. But anyway... It was like a sea of screaming and fanatic fans who reached out with their hands to touch them. Agnetha did everything to keep the smile up, and not show that she just wanted to cry of discomfort.

They all breathed a sigh of relief when they got into the two taxis. Frida laid her head against Benny's shoulder. "A guy tried to put me down in hos pocket and bring me home..." She really meaned it, didn't try to be funny. But Benny laughed silent anyway, and then stroked her hair. "I had never let him do that. You're mine love..." Frida smiled tired and looked at him. "Are you tired?" Benny wondered. "Yeah, a bit..."
"How long is it to go?" he asked the taxi driver. "Quite a while. A bit more than half an hour."
"Okay, thanks. Try to sleep a bit dear..." Benny stroked Frida's cheek, and she sighed still a bit shaken by the fans. She used to handle it, but this time she was just too tired even before the people tried to kidnap her. She closed her eyes, but then opened them again.

"Do you think this will dissapear?"
"The crazy fans you mean?"
Benny thought a bit. "I don't know... Maybe someday we can be alone! But not now I'm afraid."
Frida looked at him. "It's such a funny feeling. I both like it and dislike it."
"Yeah, me too" Benny answered with a smile. "So, try to sleep now darling..." he said and Frida laid down a let her head rest on his chest and after a while really fell asleep.

In Björn's and Agnetha's taxi it was just the opposite. Björn rested his head on Agnetha's shoulder and slept tired. Agnetha yawned and felt that she also had to sleep, but she just couldn't miss the chance to see Björn while he was sleeping. He was so cute... She smile against herself when she looked at him. Slowly she laid her head on his and just focused on his deep calm breathing. No one could love someone as much as she loved Björn, she thought and then fell asleep too.

German TV 1975Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora