~Part 2~

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Half an hour later they are at the parking of the studio.

Benny shook Frida's body slowly, and she met his face with a tired smile. "Next time, you don't have to drool on my shirt!" Benny said followed by a laugh. Frida sighed and laughed tired. Benny got out of the taxi and held up the door for Frida while the driver took their small bags out of the trunk.

Some minutes later even Björn, Agnetha and the rest of the crew and people who worked with them showed up. Looking almost like Frida both Björn and Agnetha fumbled out of the taxi. "Am I the only one who isn't tired?" Benny wondered with a teasing smile. The other three mumbled tired and silent. "Yeah..."
"Kind of...

They got into the studio followed by their little crew. Not very many, five people. Among them Görel and Stikkan. The backband wasn't there because they would just mime in the TV-show.

"They said that they start to film seven o'clock" Görel said in their loge. "Thank you, Görel" Agnetha said and gave her a big smile before she leaved the room and let them change clothes. They would have their new blue satin suits and the blazers fot the first time.

"This is so tight!" Björn yelled as he tried to put on his suit. Everyone laughed and Agnetha went towards him and wrapped her arms around his waist. She smiled loving. "Why didn't you say that you want it bigger?"
"Because then it would be too big! And these fucking things are meant to be tight!" Agnetha laughed and thought that he was so cute and kissed him before she helped him to get the suit on. "Why can't Benny wear things like this too?" Björn wondered. "Ha!" Benny laughed. "Björn... You know that we tested it once. We won't do it again..." Frida said and let her hand stroke Benny's tummy. "What?! I'm not big!"
"No darling. But at least way too big to fit in things like this" Frida said and pointed at her suit in almost the same style as Björn's and Agnetha's.
"Okay, true..."

Frida and Agnetha took a little walk in the long hallways of the building. "We'll be in Studio 5, right?" Agnetha wondered.
"Yes I think so" Frida said. "We were there at the rehearsal anyway." Agnetha opened the Studio 5-door slowly and looked in. The audience had started to take place. And suddenly they heard a loud scream.

"Oh my god! Look, it's Agnetha!!!" A girl, maybe 14 years old, pointed at the door and everyone started to run towards them. In panic Agnetha closed the door fast. "Run!" she said to Frida, and they ran down the hallway. "Fuck.." Agnetha whispered. They heard how hundreds of feet where after them. They couldn't see them yet though. "Don't they have any guards here?!" Frida yelled quite upset. "Don't know..." Agnetha answered a bit careless and empty.

When they came to their loge there was a guard in front of the door. Thank god! He let them in. "Wow, what have happened to you?!" Benny wondered when they breathed like they had run a marathon. It wasn't easy to run in high heels...

"Some fans..." Frida said between the deep breaths, and they all heard how people were outside the door and wanted to come in. They knocked on the door. "Oh shit..." Björn said and laughed a bit of amazement. "We need to do the make up" Agnetha said as nothing had happened, but actually she was a bit afriad. She liked this life, and loved that people liked them.
But it wasn't nice to be hunted...

German TV 1975Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon