Chapter 1: The Breakup

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It was a hot May day. School had been in for a month. Davina and Jason had been the hottest couple in school. Nobody could ever separate the two until one time Jason had started becoming distant. It was time for the school assembly where Jason would talk about the last basketball tournament coming up and everything that has been happening in Hawkins. During his speech he looks up at Davina,but not in the way Davina wanted to be looked at. He then looked down at one of the cheerleaders.

"Chrissy..." He looks up at Davina again, Davinas heart sank as tears fill her eyes. "Chrissy, I love you babe." He say's.

I look around as the entire school gym looks at me, even the hellfire club nerds, including their leader, Eddie Munson. I get up and run out, running into the bathroom and begin sobbing. Max, one of Lucas friends came in after I did.

"Davina, are you ok?" She asks seriously

I come out of the bathroom stall, wiping away the tears.

"Yup,totally... I knew something was up when he started becoming distant." I sniffle. "You know what.. they deserve each other. Jason will realize what he's lost." I laugh hysterically

"You deserve so much better than Jason Davina, even as better as Eddie Munson." She smiles

"Eddie Munson? That nerd. Ha, highly doubt it." I look away

"Oh come on, you don't think you two would be the perfect couple, the way you both dress, the music you two listen to, I mean come on. You don't think it'll happen." Max asks

"I don't know max, I just pretty much got broken up with infront of the entire school, who knows when I'll be ready for another relationship." I sigh. "I should probably just go home and relax." I say as I grab my bag.

"Alright Davina, I'll see you tomorrow." Max states as she leaves the bathroom.

I begin walking out of the bathroom towards the front doors of the school. While I was walking down the hall, I heard Jason calling my name. I try to shut him out but sooner or later he runs up to me,stopping infront of me so I stop walking.

"Fuck off Jason." I say angrily trying to walk around him. He steps infront of me again

"Look Davina, I'm sorry... I should've told you and just ended it sooner." He says

"You're sorry?!" I look at him. "You literally just broke up with me infront of the entire school by basically telling them you were cheating on me. You know what,how long was that going on for, I would like to know?" I ask crossing my arms

"About 4 months." He sighs

"About 4 months." I laugh . "You're a piece of shit, I never want to look at you or speak to you ever again." I push past him walking outside and beginning to walk home.

I put on my headset and keep walking. Sooner or later I have a feeling someone is following me. I look behind me and there he is, Eddie Munson. I take off my headset and turn around to look at him.

"Are you following me or something Munson." I ask looking at him.

"Well, not exactly, I'm pretty sure we live in the same trailer park." He laughs catching up to me.

"Ahh yes that's right, you're in the one right across from Max Mayfield right?" I ask curiously

"Exactly." He laughs walking. "Do you smoke?" He asks

"Like weed?" I ask curiously

"Well duh, do ya?" He asks again

"Uh no, I used to, but when I got with Jason I stopped because he convinced me too, that was the worst mistake of my life." I laugh

"I'm sorry about that, that was fucked up." He looks at me Apologetically.

"Not your fault." I sigh.

"Well if you wanna smoke, you can hit me up, I got the goods." He laughs

"Thanks Eddie." I smile.

We get to the trailer park 20 minutes later and go off our separate ways. I get to my house and go straight to my room,ignoring any comments my parents make about me. I lay down in my bed dazing up at the ceiling, day dreaming about Eddie. 'What am I doing' I think to myself. 'This is wrong, I can't be thinking about him.. not after this breakup.' I think to myself again. I sigh and close my eyes, quickly falling asleep. Next thing I realize is that my alarm is going off the next morning for school. I slowly get up, get dressed and leave, beginning my walk.

"Hey there." Eddie runs up to me

"Oh hey Eddie." I slightly smile trying not to look at him.

"Why so down?" He asks curiously

"Oh you know, school, life in general." I laugh slightly

"True that, well hey. I have a question for you." He looks at me and then stops

I stop as well,looking at him confused

"What's up?" I ask

"We need another member of the Hellfire club." He says pulling out a shirt." It looks like it's your size, you up for it?"

"Are you really asking me to join your little cult." I laugh

"Hey, it's not a cult.. it's a highly fun little club about dungeons and dragons... so, are you up for it or not?" He asks giving me the look.

I smile and look at him gently.

"Sure why not munson." I laugh taking the shirt from his hand.

"Yes! Welcome to the club, your first meeting is after school at 4 o clock sharp, don't be late!" He yells to me before running inside.

And just like that, I was apart of the Hellfire club. Definitely not what I was expecting out of my day, But I'm excited for it. Eddie Munson really is something else, not that freak I always heard that he was. Maybe you can say, I'm in love with Eddie Munson.

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