friends house

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your outfit 👇

(Or you can pick what you want to wear)

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(Or you can pick what you want to wear)


"how long are you going to be over there" said my sister as she helps me packs my bag "just for a day" I said as I finished putting the stuff I need in my bag "please keep yourself safe" said my said my sister

"Don't worry I'm always am" I said smiling at her my sister meant a lot to me we had a very special bond "okay then" said my sister as she hands me my bag "thank you I must be going now" I said "alright" said my sister as she takes out her phone

"Who are are you texting" I said "no one just Amber" said my sister In a bored tone making me chuckle it was just us two since our mom was out of town again it wasn't much of a surprise she is always busy with work and stuff we hardly saw her anymore "I'll see you when I come back" I said

"take care" said my sister looking up from her phone "you too" I said I don't know why I but I had such a bad feeling about this like something bad was about to happen but I didn't know what as I was walking out the door I heard someone yelling my name

"Y/n y/n! Wait!" Yelled my sister running towards me with something in her hands "what is it?" I said looking at her concerned "here I want you to have this" said my sister as she gives me her favorite sweater and a necklace

"But I thought you loved this sweater" I said "I did but I just thought you should have it I found a better one anyways" said my sister with a small smirk making me roll my eyes at her "of course you did" I said with a small smile "come on y/n!" Yelled my friend

"Well I should go now" I said putting on the sweater "bye! See you when you come back" said my sister as I got inside the car "i can't wait for tonight although I wish you can stay longer" said my friend

"you never told me what we are doing?" I said "well first we're gonna watch stab then stay up all night eating unhealthy food and unhealthy drinks then tell scary stories and gossip about the slutty girls in our school" said Ava

I wasn't surprised what Ava said she had always been like that she always loved gossip and drama "does that sound like a plan" said Ava as she moves her face closer to mine making it push it away "will you stop doing that" I said rolling my eyes

"Awww come on y/n you know I'm just playing half of the time" said Ava hugging my shoulders making me sighed softly "oh! I just noticed how cute your outfit is" said Ava "thank you" I said smiling Ava was about to say something but her phone buzzed

As Ava was looking at her phone I was just looking out the window her house was kind of far away from mine I was snap out of my thoughts when Ava gasp and pulled me closer to her "look y/n! It says that there is a crazy psychopath killing people it's all over the news" said Ava shoving her phone in my face

"Is that really true" I said taking her phone from her it said that three people have been found dead "that's horrible" I said covering my mouth with my hand "I know right" said Ava taking her phone back from me "who would do such thing" I said

"I have no idea" said Ava as as finally arrived at her place once the car was parked Ava opened the door and jumped out stretching her body "finally! Come on" said Ava pulling me inside her house I was feeling a little uneasy mostly because on what the news said about that person killing other people

Once we were inside the house Ava was showing me inside her room "get your stuff out I'm going to go get the movies and the snacks I'll be right back" said Ava was she runs out of her room "seriously she has away to much energy" I thought to myself as I start taking my stuff out

-back to your sister-

Her pov
Once y/n left I felt so lonely I know some people might say I'm overreacting but we hardly leave each other's side I wish I could have gone but I have a test tomorrow so I couldn't go no matter how much I wanted to

I signed and go back inside it was getting late anyways might as well get a snack and head to bed if Amber will stop texting me and just goes to bed already she has been acting a little off for some reason and I really don't know why

I was lost in thought just looking at my phone in the kitchen I jumped suddenly when I heard the house phone ring I walked over to it and just declined the call I didn't even bother picking it up it was a unknown number after all

I went back to my usual spot from before as I kept texting amber I have to say she did help me feel a little better now that y/n wasn't here she mostly was the one who helped me calm down my nerves whenever I was feeling nerves

𝒊𝒏 𝒎𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒂𝒈𝒆𝒔

𝒎𝒆: my mom is out of town again YOU should come over HERE free dinner. Many binge watch options. Plus y/n is at her friends her for the night anyways

𝒂𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓: have to do better. Y/n is at a friend's house? Why didn't you go with her?

𝒎𝒆: I wish I could have but I couldn't I have a test tomorrow and I study hard for it so I couldn't miss it and I unlocked liquor cabinet

𝒂𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓: sucks to be you wait! OKAY SOLD!

I couldn't help but chuckle at that as I grabbed my inhaler but just as I did the phone rang again making me signed seriously who could that be in this hour of the night

𝒊𝒏 𝒎𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒂𝒈𝒆𝒔

𝒎𝒆: fucking landline won't stop ringing.

𝒂𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓: is Wes still bugging you? You should probably answer it maybe it's y/n and her phone died what if something happened to her or she wants to come back to the house

amber x fem reader 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙨𝙚 𝙢𝙚 (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now