the truth

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"You're not the reason he left sam you didn't know and he didn't know as well and how were you supposed to know he was standing right behind you you shouldn't blame yourself over this" I said

"but mom never forgave me and she made me promise to never tell you guys because you guys were so young and that's why I changed and I distant and weird with you guys and I went out and started doing drug that I could get my hands on until I couldn't take it anymore and I left town I just couldn't be around you guys anymore not only because I destroyed our family that night but because those diaries told me who my real father was" said Samantha

"Who was he?" I said as Samantha looks at me "it was billy loomis" said Samantha "holy shit" I whisper putting a hand to my mouth "and somebody knows and I think that's why you both got hurt and I'm so fucking sorry you guys that I never told you and that I ran away I'm so sorry" said Samantha

"Get out" said Tara "Tara" said Samantha "you're gone for five years five whole years and then I get stab and then you want to come back and then y/n also gets attacked and then you want to drop all this shit on us" said Tara "no I swear I thought I was protecting you guys" said Samantha

"protecting us from what?!? The truth?" Said Tara "no I..." Said Samantha "Sam" said Tara "please Tara" said Samantha "Sam I need you to get the fuck out" said Tara "I'm so sorry" said Samantha "Sam" said Tara "please" said Samantha "get the fuck out!" Yelled Tara

"Samantha you should go seriously just get out already" I said Samantha looks at us one last time before getting up and walking towards the door as she leaves I then turn to Tara was crying as I quickly made my way over to her hugging her in the process as she hugs me back tightly while she cries

I didn't know what to think of Samantha I also didn't know what to say it was so hard taking it all in at once I can't believe she kept this from us for so many years and the she disappears it just wasn't fair at all now we're getting attacked because of her

Just then a police officer comes in "you should go home I'm going to be here all night with with your sister" they said "she can't go back home they just got attacked" said Tara holding onto my hand not wanting to let go of it

"it's fine Tara I'm probably not even going home I'm going to call Ava and be at her place or just hang out with Amber for a little you should get some rest I'll come visit you soon" I said smiling "okay" said Tara "take care of her for me" I said

"That's what cops are for" they said as I open the door and walk out while grabbing my phone ready to call Ava I quickly find her number as I call her hoping to pick up but she didn't which made me signed "seriously Ava" I thought to myself

𝒊𝒏 𝒎𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒂𝒈𝒆𝒔

𝑨𝒗𝒂: sorry love can't talk right now I'm on a date with a super hot guy

𝒎𝒆: it's fine just get back to me when you can okay?

𝑨𝒗𝒂: why? Miss me already?! Don't tell me you have tea to spell

𝒎𝒆: you can go die in a hole I wouldn't notice you're gone and sure I have tea or something like that

𝑨𝒗𝒂: you're so cruel to me y/n :'( maybe that's why no one loves you and you can't get in a relationship

𝒎𝒆: I can get in a relationship! And people do love me

𝑨𝒗𝒂: sure ;) bye love you

𝒎𝒆: bye fuck you too

𝑨𝒗𝒂: :(

Well I mean I guess I can still hang out with Amber if she's free or if she has time of course although she's probably hanging out with some of her other friends still it wouldn't hurt to try and text to to see if she can hang out a little

But right before I could even text or call Amber I noticed that Samantha was calling me making me sighed in annoyance "what does she want she's the last person I want to be talking to you or seeing right now" I thought to myself while accepting the call

"Y/n?" Said Samantha in a worried tome "what do you want Samantha?" I said "look I know you don't want to see me or talk to me right now" she said "no way is it that obvious? I thought I was doing a good job of hiding it" I said sarcastically

"Look I get it but it's important I need you to come to this address" said Samantha "and why should I? After all the things you did to me and Tara yeah I'll pass thank you" I said as I was about to hang up when Samantha keeps talking

Although something she says catches my attention "this is about Tara and you I'm trying to find out who is doing this to keep you guys safe please just listen to me and come I need you I need you to help me with this I can't do it without you" said Samantha

I sighed as Samantha sends me the address where she wants me to go "okay I'll be there" I said "thank you" said Samantha but before she could say anything else I hang up and quickly go to the address she sent me

I see a house with the same exact address I said go up to it and knock on it only to see Amber answer the door with a few other people inside it as well "y/n hey" said Amber with a smile "hey um my sister told me to come here" I said

"Oh okay come in we're just waiting for her to come since she isn't here yet but she also told us to come as well she said it was important" said Amber "yeah I figured since you guys are here" I said as I walk in and sit down while we wait for Samantha to show up to explain what's happening


Oh my God it's been a while since I haven't written in this book

Y/n and Amber both be having gay panic attacks 😳✨

Which I fully support 😩🏳️‍🌈

Next chapter coming soon stay tuned :D

Also this book might have a huge plot twist in the end but I'm not sure

amber x fem reader 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙨𝙚 𝙢𝙚 (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now