Special Announcement !!

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Okay Readers .. so first of all thank you so much for showering so much love to this story... your feedbacks really helps me to shape the story in a better way... please continue doing that your inline comments boost me up a lot... i read each and every comments...  i m sorry not able to reply each one of you.. but trust me i read each comments....  keep doing that... i lovd u all ❤️

okay so now about the Announcment

I have split the book in three sereis... so now Raichand Brother Sereis have three Books

1.  Book 1 -  LEHRE  ( This book will revolve arround dynamics of the brothers problems of ADARSH and his bond with Agastya and Aryaman)

2. Book 2 - KEHER (This book will revolve arround AGASTYA and his dynamics with both Aryaman and Adarsh) 

3. Book 3 -  KASHMAKASH  (This book will revolve arround ARYAMAN and his bonding with Agastya and Adarsh)

Three books will revolve arround brothers only... There problem there dilemma there pain...   And mostly there equation with Agastya as he is the Lead in my story...  

I am taking Scene request if anyone wants any particular scene regarding there favourite do let me know if it goes with the storyline i will definitely put it... 

Dont ask me how many parts each sereis will include i dont know i dont limit my story so i have no idea which book will include how many chapters....

And No harsh comments regarding me or my work will be entertained.!! ..  I am writing stories from quite a long time you all know my preference...  by insulting me or my work will not do you any good... Itz a Warning.....

Enjoy the story  Happy reading and ya those who do not vote on my story and not a follower i wont take your request... 

Thank you ❤️❤️❤️

LEHRE (Book1 - Raichand Brother sereis) {COMPLETE}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें