Textpost #1

221 11 9

Tanjiro: *giving Inosuke a hug*

Inosuke: what is this?

Tanjiro: affection!

Inosuke: disgusting.


Inosuke: do it again

One of the 12 Moons: we have your child

Giyuu: what? I'm only 21 and the rest of the Hashira don't have children...

Demon: then whos this little girl that keeps demanding headpats?


Giyuu: Rengoku I'm scared of the dark-

Rengoku: *stomps feet violently* *flame patterned sketchers light up*

Rengoku: dont worry i gotcha


Tanjiro: My dear friends and family,

Giyuu: my fellow stressed and depressed-

Zenitsu: Hey if Tanjiro and I were drowning who would you save?

Inosuke: My time and effort- 

Rengoku: Floor is lava!! *gets on a chair*

Tanjiro: *jumps on table*

Zenitsu: *jumps on couch:

Inosuke: *climbs onto the counter*

Giyuu: *lays on floor and excepts his fate* 

Rengoku and Tanjiro: tomiOKA NO

Tanjiro: guys we have a problem-

Zenitsu: if it's the fire, that's the solution to last weeks problem

Tanjiro: then what happened to the-

Inosuke: dont. even. ask. 

Giyuu: ok guys we're gonna play a game

Giyuu: when I say a color, run to the right side of the room. When I say a fruit run to the left, got it?

Everyone: got it!

Giyuu: ok...


Inosuke: violence is never the answer

Tanjiro: Inosuke im proud of-

Inosuke: but it's a question

Tanjiro: what?

Inosuke: and the answer is HELL YES

Tanjiro and Zenitsu: inosukE NO-

Zenitsu: help!! I just accidentally tore Tomioka-sans haori! How long do you think I have to live?

Rengoku: ten

Zenitsu: ten what-

Rengoku: nine

after editing this i realized this basically sounds like Rengoku and Giyuu are the parents of Tanjiro, Inosuke, zenitsu, and them, and im totally on board with that-

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