Textposts #2

167 5 9

Ft. Inosuke and Zenitsu

Tanjiro: how much scarier would it be if a frog ran instead of hopped

Tanjiro: like you just hear plat plat plat plat coming towards you and its a frog going at full speed

Giyuu, close to tears: Tanjiro wtF

Demon: *holding nezuko hostage* give us $10,000 and we'll give her back!

Zenitsu, offended: you think she's only worth $10,000?

Demon: what?

Tanjiro: give me that *takes megaphone* 


Inosuke, from outside: SHUT UP

Inosuke: I made tea

Zenitsu: I don't want tea

Inosuke: I didn't make tea for you. This is my tea.

Zenitsu: Then why are you telling me you made tea?

Inosuke: It's a conversation starter.

Zenitsu: It's a lousy conversation starter.

Inosuke: Oh is it? We're conversing. Checkmate. 


Rengoku & Giyuu: InosUKE NO-

Inosuke: *chucks a stick of butter across the room*

Muzan: You should not have come here boy. What are you doing in my base?

Zenitsu: Well I was on my way to the kitchen and I got lost

Muzan: You ended up in the Infinity Castle on your way to the kitchen?

Zenitsu: I am not a clever man

Tanjiro: Did you know when you break a bone, it will grow back stronger? 

Inosuke: So you're saying I should break every bone in my body until I become invincible 

Tanjiro: Well not exactly-

Inosuke: *reaches for his neck* 

Tanjiro: INOSUKE NO-

Giyuu: how would you rate your pain?

Tanjiro: 0 stars, would not recommend 

Inosuke, drunk and laying on Tanjiro's lap: I love Tanjiro. He has such beautiful eyes


Inosuke: Don't tell him, ok?

Tanjiro: Ok Inosuke. I won't. 

Zenitsu: Man, it sure is dark in here!


Zentisu: not that I'm scared or anything!


Zentisu: I mean, who's scared of the dark these days? Not me hahaha

Tanjiro: Do you want me to hold your hand?

Zenitsu: yes please

Inosuke: You're like a brother to me

Zenitsu: why are you being nice-

Inosuke: i never wanted a brother


Zenitsu: I knew it

shhh I totally didn't post a day late... also thank you so much for all the reads and votes you guys! It really means a lot to me. Happy reading!!

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