#7 An Old Friend And New Foe

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George's feet padded quickly along the grass. He could feel his lungs struggling, but he didn't stop for a moment. He didn't dare know what happened if he did.

He knew in the back of his mind his plan had a high chance of failing. The gods were busy, but he hoped Karl wasn't. Fear crashed over George as he found trees to hide behind and kneel.

He intertwined his hands and prayed, something he hadn't done in years. His mind struggled to remember the words he'd memorized as a child in the cold stone of his castle. He'd forgotten most of the phrases and had to make a majority of them up. He stuttered over words as his panic rose.

Finally, after a desperate few minutes that felt more like hours, a shining light hung over George's head. It illuminated his surroundings and made his eyes hurt. He felt his head pound from the spores slowly making him ill again.

Karl stood before him. He held a silver bow and a quiver hung from his shoulder. His clothes were purple and white. His eyes glowed teal, the light catching on his nose and eyebrow.

George struggled to his feet. Karl pulled him into a desperate hug. They clung to one another for a short moment.

"George- George. I missed you so much. Are you ok?"
"I'm alright. I missed you too."

Their hands gripped each other like their lives depended on it —which they did. George released him and stared. He hadn't seen Karl since he died. It had been so long.

"Why are you here? I thought you hated your limbo?"
"I do. I need help."

The earth beneath them cracked. A cavernous rift was carved into the ground. Karl quickly jumped over before they could be separated. George turned and realized the cavern was part of a shape. Two letters that had haunted him for thousands of years.

"George, what do you need help with?" Karl asked, urgency filling his voice as he realized George's intensity.

"I need to get the book of revival. When you banished XD, he continued to exist here. I need you to help me take him down. I can't kill him, it can't be me!" George yelled over the sounds of splitting rock and bubbling magma.

"I understand. I'll do my best."
"Please don't get hurt."
"I won't. I'm stronger than him."
"I know, but don't die for me. Please."
"You know I would."

They hugged again, both reminded of their pasts. Fighting wars and battles for causes they hardly believed in. Ruthless battles and conflicts that plagued their minds. Hate-filled memories rushed back to them both as they put on brave faces, ready to risk it all for another chance.

They released, hands still connected. "You ready, Karl?"
"As I'll ever be, George."

Karl looked out towards the rolling hills. They twisted and turned in horrible knots. The sky was bloodshot, dark clouds obscuring it. George felt himself get weaker, but he stayed on his feet, using adrenaline like a drug.

There was a crash. The sky parted as the ground shook. Trees toppled and water sloshed.

The two met eyes briefly, both understanding what was happening. XD was coming, and he was pissed.

The ground ripped. A hooded figure arose from the rubble. "Fuck." George whispered. He wasn't one to curse, but he felt this was worth cursing at.

"Well, look who came crawling back," XD chuckled. He moved closer, his cloak billowing.

XD had always been strange. His face was covered by a veil, hiding nothing but a dark expanse of void beneath it. His arms were wrapped in twisted ribbons that gave way to universes instead of skin. He wore a long and tattered green cloak. Two halos intersected above his head, meeting in an X and being connected by an emerald in the crossing.

His gold jewelry and emerald gems caught the red light as he moved. His steps seemed to rattle the whole world; his words sent shockwaves through his surroundings.

Karl's hand tightened on George's as he adjusted his bow to be easier to reach.

"I always knew you wouldn't leave me, George. Although, I wish you'd left your company behind," he spat with malice.

George could feel his energy draining as XD got closer. The spores were affecting him and his mind. The world beneath him spun.

"What's wrong? Feeling a little ill?" XD cackled. Karl's eyes darkened.

"You can't kill me, boy," he moved his attention to Karl, "I am nothing and everything all at once. I am stars and sky and earth. I am life and death! You cannot kill death himself."

Karl released George's hand and helped him sit down on the grass. He put his bow in his hand, waiting like an eagle for the other to make a move. He drew a long silver arrow from his quiver.

George wished he could help but he knew he couldn't. He had to wait for the spores to reset. His limbo was complicated. He'd be horribly sick one moment and fine the next, almost like the gods were toying with him.

"I'm stronger than you," Karl said, defiance coating his tone, "I am a god. I will do as I wish."

"Oh, poor boy, poor naive boy. You are a god, yes, but not a god of creation. I crafted the world with my own hands. You banished me, but you didn't kill me."

"I won't fail this time. I've been training," Karl muttered, his whole body shaking with a mixture of rage and fear.

George could feel himself getting better and better. It slowly got easier to breathe as his illness lifted. He knew it would come crashing back down any moment, he had to make it last.

He pulled himself to his feet, using Karl as slight stability. He didn't break the stare he held with XD.

Ever since George died, Karl had carried around his dagger. It was silver with a blue gem in the center of the hand guard. George slipped it out of Karl's holster.

They gave one another knowing looks and, with smiles only two war-tarnished men could form, they ran into the gaping arms of danger.

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