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A dry throat, a runny nose, a disturbing headache, loss of appetite, and dehydration.

These are all symptoms of fever.

And these are also what our raven-haired male is going through right now.

He doesn't remember how he got this fever. He hasn't done any activities that may result in getting sick.

But it's winter, and getting a fever is something common during that time. Especially if you're careless, and don't pay enough attention to wearing layers of warm clothes.

Kim Rok Soo flinched for a moment when the cold towel got in touch with his forehead.

But eventually, he got used to it and relaxed his previously tense body.

Lee Soo Hyuk, also the one who placed the towel on his forehead, swept Kim Rok Soo's hair backward and patted it.

"I'm going to go and prepare some peppermint tea for you. It'll reduce your fever and help you relax a bit."

He then patted Kim Rok Soo's hair one last time before standing up.

Kim Rok Soo, his body and mind were greatly affected by the fever, so his mind wasn't in its best state, grabbed Lee Soo Hyuk's hand before mumbling some incoherent words.

"Ay.. ith.. eh, ont.. lea.."

"What.? Can you repeat that Rok Soo?"

Lee Soo Hyuk, no matter how much he understands his dongsaeng behavior very well and has a unique bond with him, he can't understand what Kim Rok Soo is saying, he's not an extraordinary person with some sort of a weird ability to understand those incoherent words.

"ayh is meh.."

Lee Soo Hyuk rubbed the hair behind his ears.

"Uhmmm... Rok Soo, I can't seem to understand what you're saying. Can you um.. Repeat it once more?"

Kim Rok Soo stayed silent for a few moments before taking a deep breath and mumbled as clearly as he could.

"...tay with me.. Please."

He was originally trying to say, 'stay with me, don't leave'.

But he's extremely exhausted. The fever completely drained his energy, so it took him quite an effort to just complete those four words. That's why he didn't complete the rest of the sentence he was planning to say.

Lee Soo Hyuk seemed to be trying to absorb what Kim Rok Soo just said, before he smiled brightly and asked Kim Rok Soo.

"You want me to stay with you?"

He seems like he's going to do so even if Kim Rok Soo refused or denied what he just said.

Kim Rok Soo was too consumed to reply verbally, so he just faintly nodded his head. It was faint, almost unnoticeable, but Lee Soo Hyuk caught it and sat down on the chair again.

He seemed very happy for some reason. He then held Kim Rok Soo's hand.

Kim Rok Soo didn't know what that was for, maybe moral support? He doesn't know, but Lee Soo Hyuk's hands, albeit cold, made him feel warm.

Maybe it didn't really change what he was physically feeling right now, his throat was so dry and there was a dry lump that didn't budge no matter how much he drank water to try and ease it, the unbearable headache that made him feel as if the world was constantly spinning and fading, his runny nose that required him to put effort into grabbing a tissue every few minutes, but it made him feel safe and comfortable, to know that there is someone there ready to take care of him and nurse him when he's sick.

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