Chapter 19

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After Mar left, I looked at Maddy. It was so horrifying knowing that she's suffering so much and I can't do anything to help her in this moment. It's so scary to see her how she is right now, hooked up to a bunch of tubes, bandages over her deep cuts. It saddens me that I didn't notice how bad it was until now. Until I see her in this hospital bed fighting for her life. She's so skinny, so pale, so lifeless laying here. She doesn't deserve it. No one does really. I sit down next to her bed and for some reason I just don't feel comfortable. It's weird not seeing her smile or bright blue eyes look into mine. Yes, her chest is rising and falling but not how it is like when she's awake and full of life. I reach out for her hand and notice all her scars and cuts I mean I've seen them before but her new ones are so bad. I thought she was making progress. I trace over her arm over all her cuts and scars thinking why? She's so precious and perfect. She's my little baby. I hold her hand, it's so small in mine. I just want to see her smile again. She looks so peaceful just laying there like anything that was attacking her in her head was gone.

"Hey baby. It's me, Demi, I just want you to know that I love you so much no matter what. I hope you wake up soon. I really do. I miss you a lot. I love you babygirl." I look down and softly smile before looking up at her face.
"To the moon and back. I promise." I say with tears streaming down my face.


White. That's all I can see at this moment is white. It's kind of blinding in a way. I don't know where I am,but instead if my anxiety going crazy I feel...peaceful I guess. Like nothing can hurt me. It's a weird feeling. The one thing I'm wondering is where the fuck am I? I mean I guess I'll just walk around in here or whatever.

As I was walking I started to see a silhouette of a person. I think it was a woman? I don't know. I thought I was alone here though.

"Hello? Who's there?" I ask. The person didn't answer, but I could tell that they were coming closer. I still felt safe though which is weird.

As they came closer I could tell this person was a girl or a women or something. Maybe it's Demi yeah?

"Dem! Is that you?" I call out. They're still walking toward me.

"No..its not Demi." The lady said. Wait. I know that voice. Wait no but, it. It can't be her. No no no no no. It's not her, she's...dead.

"Mom..? Is that you?" I asked. I mean it can't be her I watched her die in front of me. I watched my father kill the one person I knew truly cared for me except Demi. This can't be happening, I have to be dreaming., but.

"Am I dead?" I ask as my mom walks to me. She just looks down and nods her head.

"Well, kinda." She said. I looked at her confused. "You're in a coma. You hit a vein sweetie." I looked at her in disbelief. So I'm in heaven? Well, that explains a lot.

"So what now?" I asked. My mom motioned me to follow her.

"You see, you have two choices. One you get yourself together and live for yourself, for me, and for Demi. She needs you. Or number two, you give up and stay here. You have a life baby you need to be there for Demi." She looks at me sadly.

I look down and I can see everything. I see the room I'm in. I see Demi. I see her family in the waiting room. I can hear Demi talking to me. She looks so broken. She has a tear stained face and she's holding my hand quietly humming. I look at the waiting room. They all look so drained and tired. They too have tear stained faces. I need to go back for them. I look back up to my mom and hug her. I don't want to leave her, but I need to be there for Demi. She needs me as much as I need her.

"I want to go back." I told my mom. She nods and we say our goodbyes. God I hope this works. I hope I can make it.


I'm back in my body, but I'm still in a coma. This is so frustrating. I can't fucking move, like at all.

I could feel Demi's hand in mine, playing with my fingers waiting for me to wake up. I hear her cry every night. It kills me because I'm the reason she's crying.

"Hey babygirl, it's been I don't know maybe about two weeks now. I've been here the whole time baby. Please wake up. We need you. I need you. I'm so sorry baby. I love you so much, just don't leave me. Please. You've got to wake up for me. I know you can. And when you do I'll be here baby. Right here." I knew this was Demi. She sounded so weak.

Fuck. Come on Maddy. Move something. Just a finger. COME ON. Everything is so heavy. Come on come on come on. With all the strength in my body I managed to move my pointer finger. At least, I think I did. I better have because I'm fucking exhausted.

I could hear Demi gasp. That was good right? She felt it? I could hear her sniffle and she squeezed my hand. So that means she felt it I'm guessing? Alright come on just open you're eyes Maddy. Please. Ugh why is this so hard. Come on Maddy. Do it for Demi.

After about like 3 hours I'm guessing of trying I finally open my eyes. At least I think all I can see is white and it's blinding me. Soon enough, my vision is coming back. I look around the room that smells strongly of medication and look down to see Demi's head on the side of my bed holding my hand. I lightly squeeze her hand. Nothing.

"Dem. Demi. Yo Dems. DEMETRIA!"
I whisper shouted because my throat hurt. She immediately looked up.

"Maddy? Baby is that really you?"

She had no makeup on, tear stains on her face, her hair was a mess, and yet she still managed to look perfect. Now, me being my sarcastic self would've said 'No it's the ghost of Christmas past.' but instead I just nodded my head.

She gets up to get a doctor I'm guessing, but I grab her arm. In the process of grabbing her, I got a good look at my arm. I froze in horror. I did that to myself? My arm was wrapped up in bandages, pretty red still from all the blood. Demi turns around and looks at me.

"Oh baby..."

I shake my head.

"Please...dont leave. Please."
I say looking into her chocolate brown eyes, tears forming in mine. She nods her head and quietly crawls into my bed with me. She pulls me as close as she can and runs her fingers through my hair and down my back, occasionally kissing my forehead.

"I love you to the moon and back babygirl."
She quietly whispers.

I ask looking up to her. She smiles warmly at me, tucking the hair in my face behind my ear.

"I promise."
She says before we both fall into a much needed sleep.

Hey! Sooooo there's some cute stuff mixed with some dramaaa! So if I don't update often I'm very sorry I'm going through a tuff time but I will always try to update! So tell me what you think and give me more ideas I need them! So yeah ! You guys can inbox me also! Even if you just want to talk. Don't be scared, I don't bite I promise! 😂 so please vote and comment for the next chapter! Love y'all! Stay Strong!


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