The College Party

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One day y/n was getting ready for a college party. They where very nervous as they have just started at this school and are super hyped to finally going to a really college party.
     Y/N didn't have any friends going there was a open invite to anyone who wanted to come and anyone who remotely one anyone in kappa kappa gamma.
     One of the people you work with told you about it since his Girlfriend was in KKP and sad you should go as he knew you were looking for somewhere to go since you don't get out as much.
       They said that all the girls in kappa where very attractive and If there was a night to meet someone or to even just have a good time tonight was it. The first thing Y/N does is get dressed. Looking in the mirror y/n knew that they looks so fucking good. Now the only thing was to head over to the KKP house and have a fun night.
        If only it was that easy… …
        Y/N arrives at the house the smell of stagnant alcohol was strong. Walking in you where hit by a wave of loud music and people dancing all crowded together and grinding and getting very intimate. Y/n walks around grabs a cup and starts drinking not being a great dancer y/n sits on a open couch and just hangs out. As the music got louder people running around the house.
        Just than 2 girls and your coworker Dan sit next to you. Hey Y/n you made it this is my GF de and here friend alex. We are gonna go do some stuff maybe you 2 can get to know one another. Alex sits down next to Y/n.
         Hi I'm Alex hi I'm y/n, so do you come to parties like this y/n. Not really never have anyone to go with and no one to see when I come to these things. Yea Alex said. I feel that so you are kinda a loaner. Yea I guess said y/n? Oh perfect hold on your drink looks empty let me get you another one. As Alex gets up u feel very turned on by them so you try to fix yourself up when Alex comes back they get very close to u. Very seductively and give y/n a new drink and y/n immediately chugs it down and gets up and starts to try and fail to dance
          Alex finds it funny and gets up to make y/n not look like a fool. Than after a bit Alex walks away and y/n feels very very dizzy and all of a sudden blacks out and when y/n wakes feels earthquakes and looks around to see that y/n has shrunk in the middle of this party.
            Y/n panics tries to run away to not be crushed by anyone and is kicked around and thrown all over this house missing converse heels and empty cups and bottles. Y/n is kicked up in the air flying across the house and lands on a beer pong table. Y/n looks around and trys to find help but can't y/n gets stuck to the table by all spilt drinks.
            Just than a giant ping pong ball hits y/n and sent them flying into the floor and in front of a open bathroom door and right by some ones feet who picks y/n up and shoves them in there pocket never to be seen again.

Story idea by: omega1976

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