Chapter 38

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Zhao Nanyu asked the sixth prince for a room to put Song Luan, who had been sweating and suffering from stomachache, on the bed.

She couldn't bear it any anymore, but Zhao Nanyu couldn't hold her in his arms any longer. Her lips whispered in low tones as she grasped his clothes tightly without letting go. Tears ran down her face, and it didn't stop pouring from her eyes.

Zhao Nanyu looked at her dry lips and was about to get up and pour a glass of water for her, but the person on the bed trembled and held out their fingers. She had to hold on the corner of his clothes as she didn't have any strength. "Don't go."

This kind of dull pain was really too hard to endure. It made people more and more conscious.

Although Song Luan feared her impending death at what Zhao Nanyu would do towards her in the future, but he was the only one in the Imperial Palace who could bring her a sense of security. Song Luan's eyes were glistening with tears. They were as red as the rabbit's. They were pitiful.

Zhao Nanyu sat back and took her hand and whispered, "Okay, I won't go." His back was tight, his eyes were bloodshot, and his face was cold. He turned his head and said earnestly to the sixth prince behind him, "Excuse me, sixth highness, please ask a doctor for me."

After a pause, he added two more words, "As soon as possible."

Tonight, sixth prince saw how Zhao Nanyu treated Song Luan.

Now, the sixth prince ordered people to go to the Taiji hospital and ask the Tai doctor to come over.

Song Yu stood outside and watched. She was so nervous that she kept wringing her handkerchief. Her face was ugly and white.

Song Yu had to admit that there was poison in the wine glass in front of Song Luan's table.

She looked for that kind of medicine so hard before she attended the birthday party in the palace. The medicine had no harm other than stomachache. Although she hated this elder sister, Song Luan was after all, still her sister. She dared not kill her.

But tonight, she knew that Song Luan didn't even drink since she stared at her all night. She never touched the glass from the beginning to the end!

How could Song Luan get poisoned!? Song Yu even began to doubt that maybe Song Luan had seen through her. However, Song Luan's speechless appearance did not look like it was pretend. For a while, Song Yu was confused. She didn't know what was going on.

Tai doctor was quickly invited from the Taiji hospital. Since the sixth prince personally sent the message, the doctor did not dare to delay, so he hurried to check her pulse. After careful diagnosis, he took a breath of relief and turned to let the apprentice behind him go to Taiji hospital to get the antidote.

Zhao Nanyu's face was heavy, the lines of his chin were cold and hard, and there was a murky breath coming from him. He said in a hoarse voice, "Taiyi, what's wrong with my wife?"

He clenched his five fingers, and it turned white. At that moment, he almost thought Song Luan was going to die.

The doctor said slowly, "Madam ate Qingluo by mistake, and this caused her stomach to hurt. After taking the antidote, she will be okay."


"It's a kind of poison from the south of Xinjiang. It's not vicious either. It won't take peoples' lives after taking it. It will only hurt them."

The sixth prince responded first, and waved his hand, "Go and find out where the poison came from."

Song Yu's heart suddenly jumped. She pride herself on her calm temperament and was not afraid of being checked. The wine glass passed so many people, so they wouldn't find that it was her. Song Yu forced herself to relax gradually.

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