Chapter 4: Feelings

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CW: cursing, bullying, honestly kind of ableism at some point?? (Not by Oliver or Fukase dw)

A/N: I know there's been lots in Oliver's POV but I swear that the next chapter will be mostly Fukase POV! Also woohoo another long chapter


The day was Tuesday, the second day of school was upon the students of the Vocaloid Academy. Oliver sighed as he got up and began the monotonous process of daily tasks. Afterwards, they trudged downstairs. Ruby was awake, at the dining table on a face call. Ollie didn't know exactly who the other person was, but they could recall Ruby hanging out with them before. Yohioloid, however was nowhere to be seen. Oliver angrily tapped their foot impatiently. Yohio was always like this after the first day. So lazy, so uncaring.

Oliver went upstairs to Yohio's room and immediately noticed he was still asleep. Like 10 minutes before we are supposed to leave, Oliver remarked. They went up to him and shook him in attempt to wake up.
"Wake up, Yohio! It's almost time for school, god damnit!" He announced bitterly. Yohio slowly got up. Clearly he wasn't in a hurry... ugh.
"C'mon Yohio, we have to go in ten minutes!" Yohio turned to him before fully standing up and getting out of bed.
"Whatever, have you guys had breakfast yet?" Yohioloid asked. As if Oliver's stomach had ears, it listened to the conversation and immediately began rumbling. Oliver put one hand on his stomach and laughed nervously. "Ha, not yet."
"Well, go do that. I'll be down there in a minute."

Time passes by and it's finally time to leave for school. As they reach the bus stop, Oliver gets reminded about the events of the first day. IA bullying them again, meeting Fukase again, it was all so chaotic. But honestly, what were they to expect? Soon enough the bus drives by and they all get on it. Oliver sits next to Fukase, but Fukase seems hesitant to talk to him. Oliver wonders why. What's wrong with him? Did I do something wrong? Usually by now he would say hello-
"Hey, Oliver." Fukase quietly said to him. Oliver shrugs off their thoughts from before and replies.
"Hello, Fukase, uh- so.. are you good? How have you been?" Ollie asks, trying to get some answers as to Fukase's behavior.
"I'm good, how are you though, Ollie?" Fukase asked, smiling. Oliver went quiet for a couple seconds. Wait a bloody minute, did- DID HE JUST CALL ME OLLIE?! I mean- I don't care but like...
"Uhhh, yeah- I'm pretty okay," Ollie said casually. As if they totally didn't just freak out over Fukase calling them a nickname.
"That's.. good to hear. How have your... classmates treated you?" Xe asked. Oliver paused, slowly turning to Fukase. Well, that's specific. Is he trying to get answers out of me?
"My classmates?..... Why do you wanna know, Fukase?"
"Hmm.. no reason, really."
"Okay, well... since you're asking I might as well... this girl in my class, IA, she uh.. used to be a bully to me, and.. it seems like she isn't gonna stop now."
Fukase's held a quick reaction that Oliver couldn't pinpoint- it happened too quickly. They wondered if Fukase somehow witnessed the interaction taking place.
"Oh, that sucks.. how long has the bullying gone on?"
"Since uh.. like.. seventh grade."
"Seventh grade? That's such a long time, have you told anyone?"
"Ah, well, I've tried in the past but.. it never really works out.."
Fukase sighs out, looking away for a couple seconds.
"...have YOU tried to do anything about it?"
"Sometimes. She doesn't give it up though,"
Fukase then does something strange- xe looks straight at Oliver, looking in their eyes and says,
"Ya know, I can help you, if that's what you need."
"...u-uh- to make Ia stop bullying me?"
"...yeah, just let me know, okay? That.. that pesk won't insult you again."
Oliver was silent for a moment. They noticed xeir sudden change and protectiveness.
"Yeah, that sounds good" Oliver noticed it very well- Fukase had a sudden rage toward Ia, and honestly? He couldn't blame him. Oliver moved on from that though- it was time to get into school now.

As Oliver and Fukase chatted in the cafeteria during breakfast, they both started to lose track of time. Talking to each other felt... enticing and warm. They both found each others company nice and comforting after all the two had been through. They were both too nervous to say it though.

Eventually it was time to get to home room. They said their goodbyes and both headed off to their respective rooms. Oliver knew it was time to deal with Ia.. again. They weren't as crude as the day prior, but still making attacks to Oliver.

"So, what's it like being so short? You use those pet doors to get in places?" One of them asked.
"What's behind the eye-patch? What, are you pretending to be a pirate? So fuckin stupid," another one said.
Oliver mainly ignored them. He wasn't gonna give them attention because he knew that's what they ran on. Twisted attention from others. After noticing their silentness, they laughed at them.
"Haha, wow. What, are you mute now? Do you need some paper and a pencil?" They asked him. Of course they knew he had talked lots before, they were just being assholes. He stayed silent, hoping they would go away while he got to work on one of those 'all about me' worksheets. Soon enough, they stopped bugging them. "Finally, some fucking peace." Oliver whispered very quietly.

The day continued mostly normal. Doing all about me things for different classes, doing some review, talking to Fukase when possible, it was mostly all normal things. Oliver noticed something strange forwards the end of the day however- Ia was at her locker, standing all alone, sad. It was a strange sight, but Oliver moved on with their day. Surely, this was some kind of karma at play. Why would she be sad anyways, she has everything you could ask for! Popularity, tons of friends. That's what she deserves..!


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