10. The Rapture

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Dean was fishing at the end of a pier and Castiel and Ariel appeared and said, "We need to talk."

"I'm dreaming, aren't I?" Dean realized.

"It's not safe here," Castiel told him. "Some place more private."

"More private? We're inside my head."

"Exactly. Someone could be listening."

"Cas, Ariel, what's wrong?"

"Meet us here." She handed Dean a piece of paper. "Go now."

Dean looked up and Castiel and Ariel were gone from the pier.


Dean woke up with a gasp.


Dean and Sam walked through the warehouse, flashlights on.

"Well, what did they say, Dean?" Sam asked. "What was so important?"

"If I knew, would we be here?" Dean shot back.

The brothers ascended a set of stairs.

Dean continued. "What the hell?"

"It looks like a bomb went off," Sam noted.

"There was a fight here."

"Between who?"

Dean's flashlight beam landed on a symbol painted in blood on the wall. "Check it out. Look familiar?"

"Yeah, it does."

"And used something like that to wish the angels back to the cornfield."

"So, what? Cas and Ariel were fighting angels?"

"I don't know."

Dean found the angels in the rubble and called, "Sam. Cas? Ariel? Cas. Ariel. Hey, Cas, Ariel?"

Jimmy Novak and Celia Jackson looked around. "What's...? What's...? What's going on?"

Dean glanced at them. "Just take it easy. Take it easy."

"Oh," Jimmy realized. "No."

"Cas, Ariel, you okay?" Sam asked.

"Ugh," Jimmy said. "Castiel. I'm not Castiel. She's not Ariel. It's me."

"Who's 'me'?"

"Jimmy. My name's Jimmy. Her name is Celia."

Dean frowned. "Where the hell are Castiel and Ariel?"

"They're gone," Jimmy and Celia answered.


Jimmy and Celia sat at a table and devoured a hamburger and a burrito while Dean and Sam watched.

"Mmm," Jimmy and Celia hummed.

"You two mind slowing down?" Dean said. "You're gonna give me angina."

"I'm hungry."

"When's the last time you ate?"

"I don't know. Months."

Jimmy took another bite of his hamburger and continued eating ravenously. "Mmm. Mmm. Mmm!"

Celia ate her burrito with a light smiel

"What the hell happened back there?" Sam asked. "It looked like angel battle royale."

"All Celia and I remember is a flash of light and we, uh... we woke up and we were just, you know, like, us again."

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