A happy ending

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Blitzo- Oh fuck yeah ! ( To Striker) But domt EVER hide or making something for Maisie without asking me again or Im not fucking you for 2 months

Striker: Promise Sugar cube.

Isaac is shocked the monster is gone*

Pentol: So what are we going to do about these kids?

Blitzo- We will deal with them leader.

Arabella- ( To the kids ) Don't think JUST BECAUSE you saved the day you're not getting away without a whooping.

Tito: Yes ma'am.

Drake: Well I guess it's time for me and Satan Jr to go. Oh, I forgot something. *removes the akuma from the blazing horse and Silver turned back to normal* Here, you can have my jewelpet Silver.

Laila blushes

Troy holds Silver: Thanks.

Satan Jr kisses Maisie's hand: I'll see you again my dear.

Maisie smiles: You too.

Satan Jr and Drake went back to hell with Laila, Claw and his brothers pack up as their hedgehogs get on them*

Claw: Well I think it's time for me and my bros to get on the road again with our new mates.

Sharp: You can come with us Maisie, after all your part of the pack.

Tito- Maisie you have a family. And you have us

Maisie: Sorry guys, I wish I can explore the rest of the countries with you, but I have a family to protect.

They smiled.

Tito- Will we see you all again ?

Sharp-( Smiles ) Of course. We'll come back.

Claw- See ya Maisie.

Neo-( Smiles ) Nice meeting ya.

The raptors leave with their new mates as Blitzo hugs Maisie

Maisie smiles*

Tito: All's good now.

Blitzo: I need a smoke before we leave.

Blitzo went to get a smoke break, but a girl is behind him*

Blitzo- Huh ?

Girl: Interloper! *as she tries to attack him*

But a raptor hand grabs her arm, it is Maisie in her raptor form snarling*

Maisie: You hurt my dad again, in fact you go anywhere in the world preying on innocent people and I will find you, and eat both your arms, and then both of your legs and I will eat your face right off your body, do you understand?

Rachel gets scared.

Rachel- Y--yes !

Maisie: Yes, so you will be this armless, legless, faceless thing rolling down the street won't you, like a turd, in the wind, do you feel me?

Rachel- Wh--who are you ?

Maisie shows half of her face: We...are Rapta... *as her face is fully raptor* On second thought...

She starts eating her*

Blitzo dropped his face.

Blitzo- Holy shit !

The others are shocked*

Maisie turns back to normal and licks her fingers*

Blitzo- Holy shit Maisie ! That was awesome !

Maisie smiles: Thanks daddy.

Blitzo smiles

Silver nuzzled Striker's leg*

Striker smiles and holds him

Malikai: Let's go home and have a nice sleep.

Troy: I agree.

Blitzo- Hell yeah !

Arabella hopped onto Malikai and sleeps

They chuckled and leaves*

Soon Samartha went back to her siblings*

Issac looks: Ah there you are sis.

Vincent: We didn't see you yesterday.

Samartha: I went for a two day walk. I'm okay sibs.

Savy: Okay then, come on, lets go eat.

They all left.

The end

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