An unexpected blessing

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"You're thinking about mom?" Sierra asked her father Ole Ive. He was staring out the window at the two moons in the night sky. It was a clear night and all the stars were glittering.

Ole Ive smiled to himself, still looking out the window. "Everyday." He turned to look at Sierra. "Even more so now, telling the kids about her. I miss her so much," he said, weeping now.

Sierra went to hug him. "It's okay dad. I know she's watching over us."

After a few minutes, Ole Ive finally calmed down.

"They're waiting for you to continue the story," Sierra told him.

Ive stroked her scarred cheek, bearing the same markings as her mother. "She would have been proud of you, of who you've become."

Though Sierra has purple skin like her father, she has Lera's eyes, as do her kids. She wiped a tear from her cheek and held on to the curved lightsaber at her waist, as she always did when she sensed her mother's presence.

"Well," Ole Ive said. "Enough with the sentimentalities, the kids are waiting." He touched Sierra's shoulder then went to the kids' bedroom.

Sierra stepped in front of the window, admiring the calm night. She was imagining her mother in the same position, watching the moons rise every night and admiring her parents' garden. Then she joined her kids for the story.

"Over the next couple of days," Ole Ive continued, "Lera watched Dolj work on her droids. Sometimes he'd work on ship parts or engines. She would ask him questions about what he was doing, trying to learn a few tricks. Other times, she would just be outside the garage meditating. To be fair, Lera didn't really know what she was doing, but she was letting the Force and her sister guide her."


"You're with child," Lera said, not opening her eyes.

"Yes," Orola answered with a smile. She sat down next to Lera to meditate.

"Does Dolj know?"

"I haven't told him yet. I wanted to be sure. I just came back from the healer."

"It's a girl, I think," Lera said.

"That's right! Your meditations have been paying off."

Lera opened her eyes and turned towards Orola. "Can you teach me how to fight?"

Orola opened her eyes, surprised. "Sure, I can do that. Though it would take more than a few weeks, you know?"

"Yeah. Well, with everything going on right now, the clones hunting Jedi, I think I need to lay low for a while. I was expecting a call from someone for a job, but it may not come. I think this place is safe."

"Yeah, it's in the middle of nowhere. Jakku doesn't have many resources that others could exploit. Very few people live here. And it's far from most inhabited areas so no one usually bothers to come here, unless they're hiding from something."

"I guess it's perfect for us," Lera said. "What do you plan on naming her?"

"I was thinking of Adelma, it means blessing. It was my grandmother's name. My mother died in childbirth so my grandmother raised me for a few years before I was brought to the Temple. I don't remember her well, but I would like to honor her in some way."

"It's a very beautiful name."

"Thank you. Join us for dinner tonight?"

"Okay," Lera nodded.

"I'm gonna go tell Dolj the news." Orola got up and went inside the garage.

After a few moments, Lera could hear Dolj jumping in excitement and crying. She couldn't help but smile, probably the only happy smile in many months since her sister died.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2022 ⏰

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