chapter 6

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Pant... Pant.... I escaped... ?..

Y/n had hid at the side of scaramouche's house, making sure that if she did leave he wouldn't see her. Slowly Y/n's mind became more clear as she realized what she had just done. Feeling incredibly shocked at her own actions.

You sigh, before walking away from scaramouche's house, making a mental note of where it was before leaving. The wall back to the house where you had been staying was a lot faster then usual. Most likely because you knew that there was  a chance that after you did something like that you may be under watched. You shook off the thought, and soon enough made it back home. It was late extremely late. When you entered everyone was asleep already. You made your way to the bathroom, the pain of your finger and it's nail missing now setting in. You wrapped it up softly, taking a deep breath. “ow.. ” you look up in the mirror, noticing how messy your hair was, must've been from the chase out of the house.

You decide that brushing it would be too much work and decide that you'd much rather put it up. You sigh, wetting your hands and splashing your face. You quickly make your way to bed, feeling exhausted.

Once you lied down on the bed you had finally realized just how much the chase and running away had worn you out. Maybe you needed to do more laps before working out. Once you had fallen asleep most of your dreams were filled with the boy, scaramouche. You never really dreamed before, did you even know what dreams were before childe saved you? All you could dream of was the outcome.. What if you had let him catch you? What would he do? You curled up in a ball in bed. Feeling your cheeks warm up at the thought of getting to touch him and such. although you knew that you probably shouldn't pull anything like that anytime soon, in case next time he was prepared.

The next morning you awoke, cheeks stained red, hair messy, clothes barely staying on, and covered in sweat. Looking down at where you lied down there was the picture of scaramouche below you, causing you to quickly reach down and grab it, pulling it close to you. “wow... I can't believe that actually happened... I mean.. He looked at me..” there was a soft knock on the door, looking over there was Tonia with a certain smug look on her face. “oh my.. You crushing on a boy?” crushing... Crushing.. Is it just a crush..? It feels like so much more... But what even is a crush defined as..? “Y/n?...” you quickly turned your attention back to Tonia, “oh, yes..?” she excitedly jumped onto the bed and sat beside you, leaning towards you “who! Who's the lucky guy!” lucky guy? No, I'm the lucky one. The lucky girl. “Lucky guy.? W-well, I found out his name last night” you slowly pulled out the picture of scaramouche, your cheeks Flushing up while looking down at it. “ooo! Okay, I see why, but have you ever really, hung out with him? I mean, you may not know what he's really like” you stopped to think.. “well.. I guess I have once.. But, it wasn't really like hanging out..” she smiles. “alright! How about we go out and find him, then you can ask him to hang out!” your eyes widened as you shook your head. “No! I can't do that! What if he says no or- or-” she giggled and placed a finger on your mouth “hey Heyy, it's alright. We could probably think of another way.. Ooh! I know.... ”

Sometimes around midday you had been walking down the street, following the plan that Tonia had set up, looking around for scaramouche... Bingo! You began walking that way, the plan was absolutely stupid, but it was a way for you to talk to him. As you made your way towards him Tonia threw and egg at him, hitting him right on the face and stopping him in his tracks. He looked around from where the egg came from, getting suddenly angry. Despite that you approached him. “uh.. Sca- sir, do you need some help? ” he turned towards you and nodded, releasing an angry sigh “sure.” this was it, your chance. You take the napkin that was in your pocket and use it to wipe his face, as gently as you could. Your eyes darting between his and his cheek that you were cleaning, you take a gulp before moving down to his clothes, Patting it dry with the napkin, now keeping your eyes on him.

You finished, your heart racing harder than it should. “t-there.” you put away the napkin and as you went to walk away he grabbed your wrist and pulled you closer to him. He started looking at your features, hair, clothes, body build. “you're.. Familiar..” you took a sharp inhale and quickly thought of an excuse. “u-uhm... I've seen you at.. Th-this workout place. A few times actually” he looks at you for a few more seconds before releasing your hand, “ah. I see, apologies for grabbing you so suddenly, have a good day.” you blush before smiling widely. “Goodbye Scaramouche!” you were so giddy that he had touched you that you didn't even walk home, you happily skipped home while humming, wow! He touched me! I was so close to him! His eyes are so pretty! I must thank Tonia..!

He watched you walk away, pulling his hat over his eyes, turning towards his reflection in one of the store fronts on the street. “she knows my name.. I didn't say anything..” he looks down for a few seconds before walking back to where he was going before he had an egg thrown at him, a meeting between the harbingers. Although childe and signora would naturally be gone since they are currently in Liyue for the geo archons Gnosis. “looks like I'll have to snatch the Electro Gnosis by myself, I was hoping to drag childe along and have him do the dirty work.. Heh..”

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