chapter 7

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Once you had opened the door to the house you had been staying at you felt something jump onto you, it was Tonia! She had an extremely smug look on her face, “so you got that dudes attention, huh?” you feel your cheeks heat up as you nervously swat her away. “i-i did! Thank you” Tonia Pats your back before telling you that there was food in the kitchen waiting.

You went into the kitchen and grabbed your food, eating it in there before Washing your dishes and going to the room. Once more pulling out the picture of scaramouhe that you had, smiling softly before pulling it close to your chest and squealing like a little girl. Nervously giggling. You lightly kissed it, almost completely forgetting that you had taken it out of his trash. You put the picture away once more before falling asleep.

This slowly become a routine for a few nights, you brought the picture everywhere you went. Whenever you took a bath you'd keep it in your hands or on the sink counter. When you were eating dinner at the proper time it was on your lap. And when you slept it was often times against your cheek or beside you in some way. This continued until Childe had sent a message to the household.

Hello comrade Y/N! I've received a letter from.. A coworker of mine saying that they requested some assistance on a mission. as you could tell I'm on an important mission of my own, so I decided to let them know that I'll be sending my student! This'll be the perfect chance to prove yourself so far! There will be a boat tomorrow that'll take you to inazuma. Once you're in ritou go look for a fatui agent on one of the beaches, he'll take you to your destination! Farewell Comrade, travel safely.”

Looking at the letter in your hands you were confused to say the least. Although it got you a bit pumped, excited to actually do something with your two years of training. You closed the letter and walked back to the house, eating dinner with everyone before going to sleep. You wanted to wake up early enough to catch the boat.

Once you woke up you looked over at the picture of the boy, scaramouhe. While you were tempted to bring it you decided against it. What if you dropped it into the sea? You hid it under a lamp on the nightstand then got up and dressed. A simple outfit would do, a button up shirt with a pair of long pants and a jacket. Walking into the washroom you left your hair alone. “I'll have time on the boat to do my hair if I want to.” you quickly write a note to Tonia and her siblings, explaining that you were going onto a big ship to help they're older brother, Childe ship toys. The excuse was simple but it seemed like it would work. You opened the door and walked out, the cold breeze practically biting at any skin that was left exposed. Quickly, you made your way to the boat.

Once at the docks you were let into the boat immediately...dont you need a ticket for this thing? It didn't matter as you were already on, around 30 minutes later the boat was leaving, on it's way to Inazuma, you've never been there as you were originally from Liyue, which was another place you've never really seen either since you were in a basement for so long. Although what you didn't expect was for you to become Seasick almost an hour in, the waves felt so big, and you felt like you were going to throw up every thing you've eaten in the past week. You decided to lay down and take a nap, but your plans were foiled when you felt someone sit down next to you. “are you going to Inazuma?” the voice was soft, and calm. It was a males voice. You sat up, looking at who was on the edge of your seat.

He looked at you, his eyes were a remarkable red. His outfit seemed so personalized. What seemed to be leaf patterns adorned his outfit. His clothes having a warm color scheme, his hair was in a ponytail, it would probably be shoulder length if it wasn't in a ponytail. After he noticed you had been looking at him for a while he reached out a hand, it was covered in bandages. "I wonder what happened.. " he smiled softly and waited for you to shake his hand, once you placed your hand on his he began to speak. “My name, it's Kazuha. I originally hail from Inazuma. I couldn't help but noticed you seemed a bit sick from the water. If you'd like, I can give you something to make you feel better” you nodded, you really hated the feeling of your stomach being upside down and inside out, as he got up you removed your hand from his, watching him walk away quickly.

It took him no longer than 5 minutes with him to return, In his hand was something that seemed to be a leaf. He kneeled down to get to your level before holding it up to your mouth. “chew on it, don't swallow, it'll help your stomach.” you looked at him skeptical for a few seconds before allowing Kazuha to feed you the leaf, chewing on it. It tasted sour, but the more you smashed it in between your teeth the better you stomach had felt, Kazuha took the remains from you and threw it away, he came back and kneeled in front of you once more “do you feel better?” you nodded, you quickly realized that he was on the ground, causing you to move over and Pat the seat next to you, telling him to sit beside you. He gets up and sits down. “So.. What is your name? I've told you mine, but I don't know yours" he giggled softly, “Oh! Its Y/N” he nodded, it became silent and you noticed that he was listening to the sound of the water and the wind.

During his listening he somewhere alone the way fell asleep, a large wave came and he managed to end up on your shoulder, it shocked you but as you turned towards him you felt like you shouldn't wake him up. while he was asleep you finally got a proper look at him, he looked.. Interesting, or was attractive the word? He was good looking no doubt, but he didn't feel the same as the other one, scaramouche. But you considered that a good thing, otherwise you would barely be able to keep your composure. After around 10 minutes you started to fall asleep, leaning your head against Kazuha's. It was comfortable, even relaxing, making you fall asleep even faster than before.

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