Chapter 1

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A/N- This is my first story that I'm writing with multiple chapters for, so I hope you guys enjoy it. Not quite sure how long this book will be but I already have outlines for 5ish chapters with plenty of room for more story. So I hope that gives you an idea of the length.


Jisung glared at his phone before putting it back to his ear. However, he was glad that this conversation was happening on the phone, so he could just simply hang up, but he wished that it wasn't happening at all. Sadly even though it was tempting Jisung still didn't hang up the phone. He got more comfortable on the bed and held the phone next to his ear again.

"Please invite him," Changbin begged Jisung once more. He was beginning to sound more and more pouty and Jisung was reaching his limit because of that. Jisung started to think which scenario would be worse, one where gives in or one with more whinnying.

Not hearing an answer for a while Changbin started up again, "Please-".

He was cut off when Jisung muttered the word, "Fine".

Changbin gasped. "Really! Thank you!"

"Hold on, I'm not done yet I do have conditions." Jisung paused to see if Changbin was going to protest, yet there was only silence on the other side of the phone. Jisung decided to continue, "One I am not going there alone, I'm bringing Chan or someone else. We can always run off and leave you two alone so don't protest that."

Jisung inhaled he was nervous of Changbin's protest for part two. After he breathed out once again he spoke, "Secondly I'm not going to force him if he doesn't want to go. Don't be surprised if he doesn't want to Hyung."

Changbin's smile slowly grew. "Is that all?"

"Yes, but-"

"Deal," Changbin was on cloud nine. There was no need to worry about anything else. Jisung was about to lose it, after all Changbin's begging he wasn't even going to listen to him now.

Jisung attempted to get other's attention. "Hyung listen-"

"I'm so excited I have to start packing!" Changbin started rambling because of the thrills to come.

"CHANGBIN!" and he lost it.

"Huh? What?" He dragged out the last word as he was pulled back into the conversation with Jisung. Changbin started complaining more. "I already said deal."

"I know, just want you to be prepared because I don't think he'll say yes"

Changbin chuckled. It was nice to have a friend who cared, but it wasn't the end of the world if his crush wouldn't hang out with him one time. He still had hope.

Changbin reassured Jisung. "Okay, I get it, I won't get my hopes up, and by all means don't pressure him. Just try to ask him nicely for me."

Jisung glanced at the door as he spoke. "I'll go ask now then, bye bye."

"Good bye, and thanks again!" The joy in his voice was impossible to miss.

Jisung smiled as he hung up the phone. "What a dork." Jisung thought to himself. He sat up from the bed and started to process the conversation he would have with his roommate. He took a breath, calming down his nerves, before heading out of his room.

"Minho Hyung?" Jisung called out, while walking to the main area of the house.

"In here." Minho responded from the kitchen. He was cutting vegetables for the dinner they would have later. Jisung peaked into the kitchen.

"Looks good, and tasty," Jisung smiled. He loved to have someone who could cook as his roommate. He sat on their bar seats that were at the inbetween point between kitchen and living room. The seat made him taller than Minho.

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