last minute invite

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With the wedding only weeks away, Maddie and Amanda had been in full-on preparation mode.

Between working, raising Jesse and Billie and trying to plan a wedding, there were many times that they were too tired even to have a conversation at the end of the night. Except for that night.

Lying in bed, the two women were almost asleep when Maddie's phone rang. "No, no, no, no, no..." She whined, rolling over to grab the phone.

"You have a collect call from Ryker's Island. Do you accept the charges?" Came the automated message.

"Sure," Maddie yawned, clearly unaware of the message that had just played.

"Hello, sweet sister." Came Daniel's voice. "I was so hoping that you would answer my call."

Sitting upright in bed, Maddie shook Amanda, putting the phone on speaker. "What do you want, Daniel?"

There was a pause on the other end before Daniel sighed. "Well... let's see... my freedom; no, I can't have that. My company,"

"Why are you calling me, Daniel?" Maddie interrupted.

"You've been taking down much of my business since I've been locked up. Not to mention giving company money away like an idiot." He scoffed, causing Maddie to roll her eyes. "But I have read that you are closing in on your wedding. I hope my invitation didn't get lost in the mail."

It took all Maddie had not to break down and start crying. "Oh, you know I did send one, but I guess the warden decided to RSVP instead." Playing along could be dangerous, but so could outright denying him what he wants. "I also know you didn't call about my wedding, Daniel, so tell me what you want, or I'm hanging up."

Amanda had quietly slid out of bed and grabbed her phone, calling Liv.

"Rollins? What's up?" Came the sleepy voice of her boss.

"Just... don't say anything and listen...." Amanda moved her phone from her ear, putting it on speaker.

"I wouldn't recommend that, sweet sister. See... I've heard about the work you're doing with that Chief Dodds, trying to overthrow everything I've done." He sighed. "When will you learn that there are consequences for your actions, Madeline?"

"Says the one who's calling me from Ryker's." Maddie reminded.

"Well, Maddie, I can see that I won't be able to talk some sense into you, luckily... I have some help. Sleep well, sister." Before Maddie could say anything, the line went dead.

"He... he... and I..." Maddie couldn't form a complete thought. She'd been in therapy since her trial, and everything that had transpired over the phone felt like she was taking a hundred steps back.

"I'm right here, and Liv's on the phone," Amanda assured her.

"Mads, I'm here... so is Rafa. You're not alone. I'll call Ryker's in the morning and have them take away his phone privileges." Olivia assured her. "Don't let him get in your head, okay? That's what he wants."

Maddie had set her phone aside, mentally kicking herself for even picking up the phone. "I thought it was over." She whimpered, knowing that the nightmares would start again like they had when Daniel's birthday and the anniversary of her attack came around.

"You're gonna be okay, Maddie," Barba spoke up. "First thing in the morning, call your therapist, make an appointment, and I'll take you, okay?"

"A-are you sure? You shouldn't take time off work because I talked to my brother..."

"Of course, I'm sure; now let's get some rest."

"Night y'all." Amanda smiled as the sentiment was returned, hanging up the phone. "What's on your mind, babe?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2022 ⏰

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