for whom the bell tolls

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Sitting in her office, Maddie was tapping her pen on her notepad, staring at the door as she waited for Chief Dodds to arrive.

"Ms. Campbell, I have a Chief William Dodds here to see you." Her assistant, Jenna poked her head into the office with a bright smile.

Maddie straightened up and nodded. "You can send him in; thank you, Jenna."

Standing up, the younger made her way around her desk just as the Chief entered her office. "Maddie, it's good to see you, though I wish it were on better terms." He admitted, placing a hand on her shoulder.

Maddie nodded, giving him a grateful smile. "Well you know, once all this mess is sorted out we may have to meet under normal circumstances." She laughed a little.

Gesturing for him to sit, she moved back around her desk, folding her hands in her lap. "So, I'm assuming this meeting is regarding my helping the NYPD take down sex traffickers?" She asked.

Dodds nodded, leaning back in the chair he'd sat in. "Since it's become public knowledge that you've made donations to SVU, and are working closely with Thorn and NCMEC, we have been able to help bring over three dozen children and teenagers' home to their families. What we're hoping is that we can take down the trafficking Kingpins as well."

Maddie nodded. "Okay, so what do you need from me?"

"We've been keeping tabs on a few of your brother's business... transactions, over the years. While we don't have jurisdiction over a large number, the FBI has been alerted. However, we've been going through Daniel's calendar, and he has a series of meetings coming up with said Kingpins." He explained.

"So you want me to bait them and have the squad here to arrest them?" She asked, raising a brow.

Chief Dodds ran a hand over his mouth. "I know it's a lot to ask, but this is the closest we've come to any kind of lead in the past few months."

"You don't have to sell it, Dodds... I'm in." Maddie nodded matter of factly.

Dodds nodded, standing up and holding his hand out to Maddie. "You've got a deal."


That afternoon, standing in her office, Maddie looked through the file that she'd been given, her phone resting on the folder as she sent off a text to Olivia.

Kelly's here, send in the cavalry.

"Mr. Kelly, I'm glad that you were able to see me on such short notice. I have a few things here that I think we should discuss. Have a seat." She gestured to the chair where Dodds had sat earlier.

Rolling his eyes, Kelly took a seat. "Right, so uh... your brother's locked up, does that mean you're taking over our uh... deal?" He asked, shifting in the chair as his eyes darted around the office.

Maddie raised a brow, setting the file on her desk. "Mr. Kelly, I'm not quite sure what it is you think that we do here at Campbell Worldwide, but we don't provide spy equipment for anti-government organizations," she explained, placing around behind her desk.

It had been a year and a half since her attack, and just over a year since she stepped in as CEO at her company. And of course, she'd reached out to non-profit organizations specializing in preventing sexual assaults, underage sex rings, and sex trafficking.

Also in that time, Maddie and Amanda had become parents again when Amanda gave birth to another daughter, Billie Olivia Rollins, four months after Jesse's third birthday.

"Look, whatever deal you had with my brother has officially been taken off the table, and I suggest you turn yourself in otherwise I will be sending Federal Agents after you and your company." She leaned over her desk, waiting for his reply.

the ceo ( law & order: svu fan fiction )Where stories live. Discover now