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It was the next day when Alice got the call. It was from an old friend of hers whom she'd forgotten in the years they hadn't talked. It was a friend from high school, her name was Eden. She'd told Alice she came to Gotham for work and heard Alice returned to the city as well. She wanted nothing more than to reunite, and have an old chat. Eden suggested meeting at the Iceberg Lounge. Alice knew that club was troubled and corrupted. But Eden was persistent and had already made up her mind. Now Alice had no fancy clothes. Only one dress in particular that she considered was perfect for the event. It was a black dress, which covered from her shoulders down to her wrists. It barely showed skin and is what she stated to be appropriate. She tried her best to do her makeup but failed miserably, so she simply just brushed blush onto her cheeks, and added red lipstick onto her parched lips. 

Alfred drove her to the longue, and although he warned her of the dangers she reassured him she was attending a reunion and nothing more. As she stepped out of the car, she was embraced quickly by her friend Eden who was wearing quite the revealing dress. 

"Alice--wow your outfit...I thought we agreed we were going to a CLUB, not some business meeting?"

"We haven't seen each other in years, and you're seriously going to question my style of clothing?"

The two girls started laughing joyfully and made their way to the entrance of the club.  A man opened the door and led the two girls to an elevator.

"Where are we going?"

"It's a VIP section in the longue. It's the club within the club. Most importantly it's corrupted, that's why I didn't want to come here especially"

"I'm pretty sure you're being uptight again. I doubt it's not as you think it is Ali"

"I thought you'd forgotten about that silly name you made. Especially how you even remembered I existed."

"Look, I'm sorry I didn't call you. I was an asshole-"

"Still are"

"Oh shut up"

The girls began laughing again and were soon revealed to a room crowded with people. There were men in suits, and women dressed more inappropriately than the two of them. They both sat down on stools and began a conversation shortly. They remembered how much they both suffered at the all-girls school they attended. How much they didn't fit in, especially Alice.  But Eden was a reckless girl, and often got the two of them into trouble. Alice thought that maybe if she became a bit reckless, her brother would visit her. But he never showed, the only person she'd seen was Alfred but he wouldn't chat with her much. If she ever asked about her brother he'd avoid the topic, and then would leave shortly. Eden had come from a troubled family. Her father would have affairs with other women casually, and her mother would still forgive him in order to let her children continue having a good life. Eden said she'd preferred if her parents would divorce so it wouldn't be as much of a crappy lifestyle. But after high school graduation, Eden vanished. Still, her friend had received more family love than Alice had ever hoped for.


The girls were interrupted by a man with a nude-colored coat. He was a DA, Alice knew this. She looked at Eden who looked at her back. 

"My name is Gil...Gil Colson"

He took his hand out for Alice to shake but she looked away from him and continued talking to her friend. The DA sat beside her, still looking at her. He ordered himself a drink and tried to make small talk with the two girls. After they both ignored him continuously, he seemed to grow agitated, and both Alice and Eden were uncomfortable as the man grew persistent. 

Edwards POV (3rd Person) 

Edward headed to the Iceberg Lounge to continue his plan. He was here to see Da Attorney Gil Colson. Mr. Colson was trying to put Falcone in power and was already too deep into trouble. Unfortunately for him, death would meet him soon, and his life would be taken by the Riddler. Edward managed to get VIP access by a fake card he made, and attempted to look his best in his cheap black suit and slicked-back hair. He ordered a few drinks to keep him entertained as he waited for the attorney's arrival.

Edward seemed to be enjoying himself, as getting a break these past few days was difficult. He then saw the drunk man. Mr. Colson had made his way to the bar stand and began talking to two girls who arrived a while ago. He saw how uninterested they were, and how uncomfortable he made them. Edward eyed him carefully as the disgusting man was still trying to get the girls to talk to him. It wasn't until the girl in the black dress turned to the side that he realized it was Alice. How blind was he, how could he have not recognized her?

Edward sipped his drink and leaned back in his chair. He had to control his temper, or else he could possibly expose himself.  The more the DA talked with Alice the angrier he felt himself getting. Everything made him upset now, the loud noise, the way everyone seemed to be happy even though deep down inside they weren't. They were all Liars, even Alice herself. But he wouldn't let that happen, he wouldn't let Alice lie or become corrupted like her family.  But Edward lost his temper once Gil Colson threw himself onto Alice. He stood up and made his way over. Her friend tried pulling him off of her, but he wouldn't let go. 

Edward grabbed onto the DA's coat and yanked him off of Alice. He was furious, he wanted to kill him on the spot. He wanted to pound his fists into the man's face repeatedly. but he knew he'd kill him in a better process, a process which The Riddler would enjoy. Gil was so wasted he couldn't comprehend what was happening until he realized the situation he was in.

"Don't YOU touch her"

Edward's whispered this in the man's ear and his once slicked back hair was now partially in his face, and he could feel his eye contacts burning his eyes. He watched the DA hurry himself away from him, and fortunately, he didn't create much of a scene. 

"Thank you..."

How could I forget she was still here? she saw me lose my temper. I shouldn't have lost my cool, I should've ignored my anger. I was foolish, my feelings got in the way. I looked to my side, avoiding looking at her. I didn't say you're welcome, or anything fancy of the sort. Edward was a coward who'd fear almost anything, but he as the Riddler made those fears vanish. Him wearing his mask made him feel invincible. He wanted to wear that mask at this very moment and pour his feelings out to her. But instead, he had to wear another mask, a mask that hid his identity and shame.  he walked away and out of the club to prepare for the moments that were about to take place shortly. 

Alice's POV (third person) 

DA Mr. Colson had tossed himself onto Alice as she feared for her life at that very moment. Various thoughts flooded her mind as she could almost feel herself shouting in terror. Eden attempted pulling the man off but he would not budge. It wasn't until a man pulled him off of her and scared him away. The man seemed familiar, and she was unsure why but she was beyond curious to know 

"Thank You..."

The Man didn't reply, and only moved his face to his side but not over her shoulder to look at her. She noticed his hair was a similar color to the other night when the man saved her in that alleyway.  


She extended her arm into the air as if reaching to pull him in as he walked away from her. It was useless, he was gone. The two girls grabbed their purses as they moved through the crowds of drunken people. But one girl, in particular, stood out to Alice in the crowd. She wore a red wig and paused when she noticed Alice almost seeming as if wanting to talk to her. But Eden pulled her away and she soon craved to feel the sheets of her bed. 

𝔾𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕞, ℂ𝕚𝕥𝕪 𝕠𝕗 𝕃𝕚𝕖𝕤 | Edward NashtonWhere stories live. Discover now