Chapter 5

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His eyes widened and he said,'' That was an interesting story, Shiraya. I'm sorry you haven't seen your parents since your birth." I said,'' We're so alike aren't we?" "Yes, we are so much alike." He said as he pulled my hood down revealing more of my face. "Yes, very much alike." I replied,'' We should be getting back to the temple." The walk back seemed longer than it did. When we got back Captain Pike looked over at us, "I've been looking for you, Milady. Elan, I see you kept her in good company." We both giggled as we made our way inside the temple. With the help of a fellow female Jedi, I was fitted for my new Jedi robes. The young girl who looked to be about my age was a Rutian Twi'lek. Her long lekku's were tied back together into a braided work of art. Everyone called her Seku Una. Her Jedi outfit consisted of a short-sleeved wrap-around top and a long flowing skirt. On the upper part of her arm, she wore a shiny silver armband. I said,'' Seku, why do I have to dress like this?" She pushed my arms up and replied, "Stay still so I can do this correctly. We dress alike so we know who we are. We are different in this galaxy than normal. There, I will have your outfit finished by mealtime." She walked out holding her holopad tightly under her arm. Before, I could even depart from my quarters to get my tray of food. Seku came back with my new attire. Reflecting off my window I saw myself in its view. It was a long turquoise strapless dress with slits starting from the top of my hips, all the way down to my ankles. Under my dress, I wore tan trousers with matching knee-high boots. She hooked my arm leading me down the long hallway. Before even reaching the end of the hall we bumped into Elan. Tripping over my dress I fell onto him landing us both on the floor beneath our feet. I opened my eyes and I found myself lying atop his chest. I quickly got up embarrassed by my actions. "Shiraya, for a new Jedi you sure are clumsy." He said, picking himself up off the ground. "Seku, I'll escort her from here." She bowed her head in response and walked away. I said," I don't need to be escorted anywhere, Elan. I have been taking care of myself since I was little, I don't need a bodyguard." He smiled a little," I'm not trying to be your bodyguard but a good friend. Master Shan won't be training you today so I will be taking his place instead. Follow me, please." I followed him into a circular chamber with a round dome. The floor was detailed in many of the Jedi's emblematic symbols. He shed off his robe and outer tunic placing them on the floor behind him. Off a small table, he picked up a small lightsaber placing it in my right hand. Walking away from me he ignited his saber. It sparked up into a long blade of emerald green. "This is a Marksman-H combat remote and your lightsaber is what controls it." He said, throwing the round holey sphere in front of me. It floated high in the air between us. He tied his hair back, keeping his long locks out of his face. "Since you are new to this we will go slowly." After many hours of training, I was finally beginning to feel like I was progressing in the Force. I collapsed onto the floor in exhaustion with my body covered from head to toe in an icy sweat. Elan came over to my side brushing away my bangs from my face. His hands were warm to my cold skin. He helped me up onto my feet and said," Within time you will become an apprentice then a knight like me." I asked," Do you swim?" He replied," I do, why?" I said," Never mind." Back at my quarters, I got changed into a swimming robe. Within mere minutes I found the mouth of the river. An elegant waterfall spilled into the water. The stars shone brightly on the water; creating a romantic type of setting. I dove into the cool warm water swimming freely to the hidden muddy bottom. When I came back up to the surface I was staring into Elan's muddy brown eyes. I said,'' How did you find me?" He says," I followed my senses." I swam backstroke as his eyes followed me more. He threw off his outer tunic and dove in next to me splashing my face. I then felt an arm pick me up out of the water. In response, I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck childishly. He waded around his free arm in the water spinning us in a circle. "Are you enjoying yourself?" He whispered in my ear. I replied," Yes, very much. We should be getting back soon though." I unlatched myself and swam to the sandy shoreline. While he was still in the water I smiled and sprinted off to the temple. The next day I awoke to speak with Elan but he was nowhere to be found. His quarters lay empty. I then decided to walk down the hall toward Captain Pike's quarters. I waved to him from outside the glass as he motioned me to come inside. "Where is Elan?" I asked, curiously. He replied," He's gone with a fellow student to the Crystal Caves on the planet of Ilum. He'll be back within a few days, Milady." I said,'' He never said anything about it to me. I thought he was my friend." I stormed out wondering if Elan was doing what my captain had told me. My days in the training dome lingered on with tireless efforts. I grew tall and leaner with every step I made. I felt like I was no longer that forgotten girl left behind on Naboo but now a woman brought here to fight against the Empire. Instead of a Padawan Braid, I wear a Silka beaded headdress. I fought against Master Shan for the opportunity to have him cut my hair. Within reason I got my way except now I must do some extra chores inside the temple. From down the hall, I see Seku coming toward me smiling. "You'll never guess what Master Shan just heard?" She said, trying her hardest not to giggle. "A new Jedi is standing against the Empire. I believe his name is Luke Skywalker." I look at her in disbelief," You don't believe he'll survive do you? No one has ever gone against the Empire and comes back alive.'' She replied," I understand but this is new hope for all the Jedi in hiding like us throughout the galaxy. Look at yourself, Shiraya; you're now an apprentice to Master Shan." I said," It's only because I learn fast, Seku. I miss my home." She grabbed a hold of my hand and escorted me over to a nearby couch. Her eyes spoke of her home even though she never talked about it. I asked," What is your home like?" Her eyes closed for a moment," My home is a slave-trading planet. My parents were taken as slaves by slave traders who ransacked our village. I ran like a coward leaving them behind in the dust. Since then I have sworn to myself that I will find them and take them back home to Ryloth. I wish to no longer speak of them, Shiraya. Please respect that wish." I nodded in agreement," If it helps any, my parents were taken from me, too. They disappeared after leaving me behind on Naboo. I haven't seen them since I was an infant. I miss them so much like you miss your parents. Maybe in time, we'll both get our wishes for the wholeness of our families." She placed her small blue head on my shoulder as I placed my head on top of hers. Later in the day, I found myself pacing in my quarters deep in thought. My mind wandered to the day I was left behind at the palace. I wondered if I was able to sense their presence even back then. Time takes away so much from us. We age older and older each day into an infinity of confusion infused with doubt. Our lives are now controlled by anger and fear, hatred for our enemies who control our every step. We are the Empire's slaves trying to find a way to escape its firm grasp. So much of my hate is owed to the Empire. They took so much from me including my parents. What could our lives have been if they never had found them? I snap back into the moment to find Captain Pike staring back at me. I say," Can I help you, Captain?" He replies," Milady, I just came to ask if you had your meal sent to you yet." He held out a full tray of food for me to take but I didn't. I collapsed onto my bed and said," I want to go home. I want to go back to Naboo. Please take me back home." He sat down beside me embracing me in the firmness of his arms. I could now feel the pain of my fears being spilled over my overbearing shoulders. Tears streamed down my face, flowing at the speed of the rivers of Theed. The next day I awoke to my head resting on Captain Pike's lap. I could feel his soft fingers brushing through my thick brown hair. Opening my eyes I peered up at him," How long have I been asleep?" He said," You, Milady, have been asleep for two days. I have stayed here by your side ever since you closed your pretty little eyes. I'll leave if you want me to." I replied," Please don't leave me." He said," Do you still wish to go back to Naboo?" My mind had been made up then and there. I replied," Yes, I would like to return home." "Then, we will leave for Naboo when our ship is ready. I will help pack your things." He pulled me up onto my feet, went over to my wardrobe, and began packing my things. Looking out my window for the last time I saw Senator Naberrie's ship waiting for us on the landing platform. Spinning back around I pulled my cloak over my head as my Captain drew up my hood to conceal my face. On the landing platform, every member of the temple stood to silently say goodbye. But, only one face was missing from the crowd. The missing face hidden from me was Elans. After arriving back on Naboo I met up with Teckla by the docks. Her figure grew since the months of my departure. Her dress stretched outwards showing her small round belly. "You're glowing, Teckla." I say, following a quick hug. "How long has it been?" She replied," Five months I believe since we last saw each other. You've grown up to be a bright and beautiful woman, Shiraya. I wish I could have been there to watch you grow." I said," You were there, Teckla, you were." She said, "The Queen will not admit to what I'm about to tell you but she missed you as well. She kept speaking with your master as to how you were doing. I found it touching that she cared for you all this time. I believe that since your departure she has grown to love you more unconditionally." I got up and raced towards the palace to find Kylantha. Within the walls of her throne room, she stood by the windows looking out into the palace courtyard. I said," Your Highness?" She turned, and only without a second thought, I rushed into her open arms. Whispering in my ear she said," I missed you so much, Shiraya." I replied," I missed you, too." Inside my quarters I sat on the edge of my bed as Kylantha brushed through my hair. For the first time in a long time, I felt like I belonged here in the palace alongside her. Turning my head slightly I asked," Has Pooja made any contact with you since I have been gone?" She shook her head, "I'm sorry, Shiraya, but no. Believe me, she will come through and she definitely will. How about we shop at the markets in the courtyard, hmm?" I said," I would like that very much, Your Highness." She said," Please, my name is Kylantha, Shiraya. Would you like to go today or tomorrow?" I shrugged," Maybe the next would be better. I'm glad to be back here in Theed." She replied," It may not be any of my concern but I would have preferred you to stay there. You could have learned so much more in becoming a Jedi Knight." I felt the brush then get tangled in my headdress and my head began to hurt. I said," Sorry, I must have forgotten to take it off." She carefully untangled it," No, leave it on, it's a part of who you are now. It's very beautiful though. Did you make it yourself?" I replied," No, a Togruta Padawan was living amongst us named Devan. She created it for me since I refused to cut my hair for Master Shan. I got my way but I had extra chores to do around the temple." The door hissed open revealing an out-of-breath Alena. She pushed down her hood and said," Your Highness, Milady, there's a man who just arrived in the hangar. He has asked to speak with you, Shiraya. He wishes that you meet him if you so choose." I threw off my cloak and rushed towards the hangar with Alena following after me. To my surprise in the hanger stood Elan, taller than he was the last time I saw him. He bowed to me and said, "Milady." I said," Alena, please leave us." She bowed her head and left as I stood motionless. He stared back at me," I got back to the temple to find your quarters barren. I was worried something had happened to you. Or that you were expelled from The Order. Master Shan told me you returned here to Naboo. Are you at least all right? Has any harm come to you?" I replied," Yes, I am fine, Elan. Don't worry this is my home. I know it very well. Why have you come?" He took a step closer to me," I wanted to see your face for myself to make sure you were safe. At least now my conscience is clear. I guess I shall return to the temple." As he was about to turn away I said," No, please stay." He turned back around, bowed his head, and replied," I would be honored then, Shiraya." "Teckla?" I called, knowing she was nearby like always. She came over and said," How may I be of assistance, Milady?" I said," Elan, this is my most trusted handmaiden Teckla. She will show you to the guest quarters of the palace." I grabbed his bags while Teckla showed him to his quarters. As he walked his robe flew in the wind like a bird on a current. The Queen passed us while we made our way into the guest quarters. Her eyes had a look of confusion upon them as did her mind. "Please excuse me, Milady." Teckla said, showing herself out, passing the Queen who entered. She says," These will be your quarters until you decide to part ways with us here. The handmaidens usually bring meals around every day. I don't consider it a pleasure to not be able to sit down for a meal. We have no Jedi here on Naboo either. Training and meditation are all on your own. My palace is guarded night and day by my skilled Royal Guards. Do not ever test them. Shiraya is currently being tutored by Teckla if you care to join them for a session. One more thing, we are a neutral planet loyal to the Republic. If the Empire finds you here I will see to it personally that you are sent away." She gracefully walks out and I say," I apologize for her words. She sometimes has a weird way of speaking her mind and doesn't like strangers very much, either. Just be yourself then she will leave you alone. If you'd excuse me it's getting late. I'm going to retire for the night." Before the stars could wake me I was stirred by Teckla's shaking of my arm. Her eyes showed so much hope that I followed right behind her to the throne room. A hologram pushed up from the floor revealing Pooja's slender figure. She stood silent in her night attire covered only by a silk robe clad around her shoulders. I quickly rubbed my eyes before hearing what she had to say. "Your Highness, Shiraya, Teckla. I have good news to report from here at the Senate. I have managed to locate a possible location concerning your parents, Shiraya. It's a very far and dangerous place for a young girl to travel alone. According to my sources, the planet Nar Shaddaa is where you'll find your first clue into their whereabouts." She said, calmly and firmly as if addressing a live Senate audience. "I have arranged for transport to take you there. An old acquaintance of mine owes me a favor so he will be meeting you there on the ground. He's highly trained in combat tactics so if something were to happen he can handle it. I will be tracking your ship from my apartment for your safety. May the Force be with you, Shiraya Marek." The hologram shimmered down as darkness once again clouded the room. Turning to Kylantha, I could sense her distress and worry for me. Captain Pike turned to her and said," You can't allow her to go there. It's controlled by the Hutts and if they find out her affiliation with Naboo they'll hand her over to the Imperials. As the head of your security, I refuse to have her go into that crime space trash hole unprotected." Then, a voice spoke up," She won't be alone, Your Highness." From out of the darkness, Elan steps toward us. I said," How long have you listening?" He replied," Not long but long enough." "Elan, I don't believe that will be necessary. She won't be going to that planet anytime soon." Captain Pike said. "Your Highness, you must agree with me on this." She said," That I do indeed, Captain. It is settled then, Shiraya, you are staying here where it's safe. Until another location is found we will speak of this matter then." After they all left the throne room I stood there alone with Elan. I said," Are you able to pilot a starship?" He looked at me confused," Yes, can you?" I giggled childishly, "Yes, my mother was the best Imperial and Rebel pilot there ever was. I'm asking because I'm leaving tonight. You can come if you like but I think you'll only slow me down." We walked together back to my quarters to quietly pack my things. In the hangar, I looked around to find my starship sitting in the center. "You have a Diplomatic Barge?" Elan said, stunned. I say," Yep, it's a J-type. It was a birthday gift from the Queen when I turned sixteen. I normally don't fly it as it attracts attention but it's the only one I own." He said," Does it have a cloaking device?" I said," Captain Pike installed one over a year ago." He grabbed a hold of my hand and we went inside. In the cockpit, he took the controls starting her up silently as I sat down next to him. Once we had gotten out of the system I began to feel afraid. I said, "Elan, have you ever done something like this before?" He said," Nope, this would be my first time doing something like this. I'll put her on autopilot once we're out far enough to jump into hyperspace. If you want you can go to sleep I can take it from here." I took off my cloak, placed it behind me, and said," No, I'll be fine. I should probably tell you that this is an unarmed ship." He replied," I know, Shiraya. I also know we won't need them on this mission. We both have our advantages, don't we? I'm a Jedi and well you're a sort of Jedi in training with handmaiden training. You should get some rest." I shook my head only to look out at the passing stars. Sensing something uneasy I turned my head towards Elan. I said, "Is something wrong?" He said," No, just thinking that's all. Okay, we're out far enough for the use of autopilot." I heard the switch click and he went back to the luxury chambers. Once I no longer felt his presence I grabbed my holopad for any additional information from Pooja. Nothing was present except for the information I had heard earlier. Turning on the navigation computer I click to find Nar Shaddaa. Why is it that this stupid thing never wants to function correctly? I keep on clicking but only to find bio key-protected data. From the toolkit in the back, I shed off my overdress to my free moving strapless underdress. I open up the underbelly of the compartment holding the internal hardware to find the source of the problem. It bugs me when your trusty captain decides to rig your starship when he doesn't have the slightest confidence in you. I turn to put back the toolkit when I see Elan leaning against the cockpit door. His eyes widened with a smirk," I didn't realize you were technical, too." I placed the toolkit back and said,'' You'd be surprised what I can do. If I'm anything like my father I'd be very smart when it comes to mechanical things and if I'm like my mother I'd be very sharp on my feet when it comes to piloting my ship. Captain Pike taught me to first pilot a starfighter before going onto something bigger like this. When I was small I used to sit on his lap every time he took Pooja back to the Senate. I felt like I could fly away before I could even know what the word meant. It's in my blood to fly amongst the stars of this galaxy. What?" I could sense that he was trying not to laugh at me. He must think that women pilots didn't exist anymore. I walked past him making my way down to my chambers. Before I could make it in I felt the hyperdrive generator pulse into gear. Unfortunately, I then find myself falling back into his arms catching me. He pushes me back up and I go inside, locking the door behind me embarrassed.

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