Chapter 9

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I opened my eyes to see a Wookiee tending to my burns. "Her name is Kallabow. She's the daughter of the Wookiee Chieftain Attichitcuk of this village." Elan said, grabbing my hand in support. "Are you in pain?" I replied," It's nothing I can't handle. It does sting a little though. Are my pilots all right?" He replied," The Wookiees took out the fires but when they searched the pilot's spirits were already set up by the goddesses. Our starship requires parts to which we have no access here on this planet. We're stuck as of right now, Shiraya." I said,'' I want to do what's proper for the pilots like back on Naboo. Tell the Chieftain that it's at the request of the Queen of Naboo. I would appreciate it if he approved." Elan kissed the top of my forehead and walked out of the tree house. Tears then began to stream down my face as Kallabow tried to wipe them away with her furry hands. I smiled a bit, feeling grateful to her for her humble hospitality towards us. Before leaving she placed a jar of water beside me to see if I was thirsty. I gladly took a sip as she walked away. From under the cracks in the floor, I could see what was below me. Elan stood with Captain Pike discussing something. Their arms were waving about as if they were disagreeing with each other. I knew we were stuck but what I didn't know was the toll it would take on us. The only reason why we arrived here was to bring supplies for the various tribes as part of Naboo's Relief Movement. What goodness now would come out of us being stranded here? Even as I looked they stood yelling with what I thought to be harsh words. Elan must have given up as he walked over to the bank of the lagoon. Kicking the sand with every step his feet made in anger. Turning over I came face to face with two children of the species Togruta and Twi'lek. I screamed in surprise as they stared at me. Elan came running in and said, "Shiraya, they're only children." I replied," I can see that, Elan.'' Kallabow rushed in as well, yelling at the children in Shyriiwook. Once she left I glanced up at Elan and he said,'' Oh, Shiraya, these are Kallabow's adopted children. I should have told you that when you came. She rescued them from a nearby island's slave ship. The Togruta is named Alana and her brother the Twi'lek is named Vuren. They're just curious about you that is all." I asked, "Do they speak Basic?" Alana replied,'' We speak Basic, Shyriiwook, Twi'leki, and Togruti. Our mother wanted us to learn the language of our home worlds. We didn't mean to frighten you. Come now, Vuren." She grabbed the little boy's hand, dragging him out of the treehouse. I said,'' I can't believe she would take in children that weren't even her own." "Wookiees believe in family values just like some other species including humans like us." He said caressing my cheek. "I spoke with the Chieftain and he has agreed to your terms. You don't look very pleased." I said,'' I am, it's just it has been a horrific day. We should rest." I laid my head on my hands as he closed the flap of the treehouse. Rolling over to face him I noticed that there were three long scar marks running diagonally on his back. He turned his head a bit and said, "They're hideous aren't they?" Next to me, he pulled back the covers only to give me a closer look. Carefully, I traced my fingers along the rigid path of the scars. I said,'' They look like they were given to you by some sort of animal." He rolled over to face me and said," It was about four years ago when I received these marks. I was on a mission to Malastare tracking some Imperial activity. I was with my master and a few others. We were walking when we were attacked by a nexu that came out of nowhere. I got big-headed and tried to ward it off so the others could run. I wasn't paying attention then I blacked out. The next thing I knew I was wrapped in bandages around my chest. After a while, I realized what had happened to me that day.'' I said," Can't you heal yourself?" He said," I didn't want to. I wanted to keep them as a reminder to always watch my back so to speak." I asked," Do they ever hurt?" He lay on his chest, clutching the pillow under his strong muscular arms. He said," Sometimes they do but I ignore it. I'm sorry if my scars are a bad image of me." Placing my hand on his scars I said, "I wouldn't have you any other way than you are right now." As his arm coiled around my waist as I could feel his heartbeat against my back. I whisper," I love you, Elan." Planting a kiss on my cheek he says," I love you, too, Shiraya." In the morn, I am awakened by Elan's soft snoring. Childishly, I poke him in the side to wake him. Opening his eyes I found the eyes that first drew me in at the Hidden Temple. Gently, I placed my head on his chest and said," Did you rest easy?" He replied," No nightmare is a good thing so then yes I did. I should probably help the captain with any further repairs on the starship." Pleading with him I said," Stay." He wrapped his arm around my waist and said," I can't I promised I'd help him, Shiraya." I say," Do what you must then." From behind me, I could feel the covers being dropped down beside me. I roll over to watch him and he says," What?" I say," I was wondering once everything is over if you'll leave me." Beside me, he drops onto his knees and says," Shiraya, why do you keep asking me this question?" I said," I want you to return to the temple. I want you to become the best there is Elan. Become the master you've been training yourself for all these years. Don't just give up at the rank of a Jedi Knight." He gets back up and says," I don't want to talk about this right now." I reply," Well I do." I could sense that I angered him a bit but I knew he was brushing it off. He said," Not every Jedi Knight becomes a Master Jedi, Shiraya. I don't see myself as ever becoming one." "Then, complete your training at least." I said. "If you won't do it for yourself then do it for me." He pulls down his shirt and then leaves without saying a word. After getting dressed I find myself sitting on the spiral steps leading up to the treehouse just watching. "There's so much to see on our planet besides the horizon." A voice from behind me says. I turn to notice Alana walking down towards me. I say," I know there is but now all I see in the distance. Besides, how old are you?" She sits down next to me and says," I'm ten and my brother is eight. How old are you?" I said," I don't see why that has anything to do with anything." "Come exploring with me." She says tugging on my hand from two steps below. "I know my way around if that's what you're worried about." I eventually gave in, following her into the canopy of trees. The deeper in we got the more I couldn't see her in front of me anymore. "Alana?" I yelled. "Alana? Where are you?" Nervously, I checked my belt for my lightsaber which hung loosely at my side. Now I knew I was lost. I kept retracing my steps back to the village only to find myself going around in circles. Above me, I could see darkened clouds filled with rain about to be poured. I ignited my lightsaber for light to see what was around me. Shivering in the downpour I began to wonder if Alana had the clan looking for me. Through the Force, I tried to reach out to Elan but no matter how hard I tried I got no feeling back. Beside me, I placed my well-soaked cloak down, as it no longer had the power to keep me warm. Huddling my legs towards my chest I prayed that it would keep me warmer longer. With the crackling of a branch, I swoosh around my lightsaber, trying to find the source of the sound. The noise kept getting closer and closer as a cloaked figure appeared in front of me. I steadily got up ready for anything. As he came further and further I used all my energy in a Force Push. The figure flew back into the bushes underneath the crying trees. It got up, stepping once again towards me. I tried to do another but all that stored energy was now gone as I collapsed onto the muddy ground. The figure bent down beside me checking my neck for a pulse. Under his darkened hood I was not able to see his face. Trying to fight him off he picked me up in his arms to carry me. Within a distance, there stood a grand hut with faded symbols encased around it. A long walkway led up to the door of the hut. He opened it as the light began to sting my eyes. Carefully, he placed me down in a corner of the bed. "Who are you?" He asked with his back to me. I said," My name is Shiraya." He pulled off his cloak revealing only the clean-shaven brown hairs on the back of his head. He said," Shiraya is an interesting name. Are you from Naboo?" I replied," I have never been there before, sir." I might have lied but a part of me knew I had to. Once he finally turned I saw his face. Big brown eyes, a small mouth, and ears were his features. For some reason, I felt as if I had met him before. Pulling up a chair beside me he tugged at my necklace and said," Where did you get this?" I pulled it back and said," My father gave it to me. I did not steal it if that's what you're wondering." He said," What's your father's name?" I said," His name was Galen Marek. He was a Jedi of the Republic and a true hero." Placing his hands on his temples he says," What is your full name?" I say," My full name is Shiraya Marek. I'm the daughter of Galen Marek and Juno Eclipse. Jedi Apprentice to Master Shan of the Hidden Temple." He removes his hands as I see tears falling from his eyes. He says, "Shiraya? My little Shiraya?" In shock, I sit upright staring deeply into his eyes seeing his memory mirroring mine. This man was my long-lost father.

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