Chapter 28 "The snowstorm" part 3

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Kyle POV

From my semi-opened eyes, I look at Rob, giving himself another shot of silver. He clenches his jaw painfully and breathes hard. I can only imagine how awful he must feel right now.

As much as I don't want to admit it, I'm grateful for everything he has done for me till now. He's been so kind, so careful. Every time he touched me, he paid full attention to any signs of fear or displeasure I could give. He made me and Skyler feel safe.

Skyler..., after some time, seems to finally accept that there will be no mating and marking today, he's not happy, but at least he stopped being pushy about it. During the last couple of hours, I almost panicked twice, thinking that Rob would just give in and fuck me. The pain was so strong that for a moment, I thought I could do it, and yet when he got closer, suddenly, all I could recall was pure fear. He really did his best not to hold me down, although I scratched him quite deep in his arms and chest. And yet all I could see on his face was sadness and worry.

Carson starts crying, and Rob takes him into his arms and starts walking with him around the house.

"Shhh, little guy, I've got you," he hums, gently waving my son in his arms.

How many hours has it been since we have been stuck here? I've lost count; the moments when Skyler is and isn't in control are mixed, the pain is actual all the time, and memories of Rob touching me are a blur. I'm not sure what really happened and in what order. 

 When Rob doesn't touch me, he feeds, changes, and carries my son. When I feel better, he lets me hold him. He doesn't force me to eat but makes sure I drink enough water. Before he puts his hands on my body, he always gives me a warning and time to protest. He makes sure never to tower over me or restrain my movements.

"Let's go to mommy," he says and comes closer.

He tenderly puts my son on my chest and lies next to wrapping one of his arms around my stomach and playing with my hair with his second hand. Despite the pain, I can feel my body relaxing in his arms and Skyler purring in my subconsciousness.

The last person I let be so close to me was Hannah; since my rape, even Mikkeli has held me only once.

I give up and snuggle more into Rob; the tears keep coming down my face. I don't know why I really cry. Is it because my whole body hurts or because the two things I love with all my heart are so close to me?

Celia POV

"That definitely the strongest snowstorm I've seen in recent years," says uncle David looking by the window. "But  tomorrow, there will be enough snow to build the snowman."

Kathy cheers on this idea, and he smiles at me. But I also can see him eyeing my mark, and somehow I feel embarrassed about it.

"Are you angry with me?" I ask when Kathy goes to another room; my uncle and I are alone, and even the warrior in charge of him is talking in the corridor with someone.

"No, honey, never. It's just... It's kind of weird. You are married now, married to..."

"My rapist," I say, but I don't turn my eyes away; we must have this conversation whether we like it or not.

"Celia, your father once told me that when someone hurts you, he takes your choice away from you; he makes all the decisions. But it's later up to you if you want to forgive, forget, ignore, or kill the one who hurt you. That's your choice, and no one has any right not to honor it. But tell me one thing, did they force you? Did they pressure you into it?"

I shake my head.

"No, they explained to me all possibilities, and I must say the odds were not in my favor, but I made that choice myself."

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