4. Will the Wise

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— 7:20 am
"Do you like those grapes, Holly?" Mike asked as he took a bite of toast.
"Hey, Mom, I was thinking about stations the night at Stacey's tonight?" Nancy said as she got up, grabbing toast. "We we're gonna have a girl's night."
You turn around to look at Nancy as she talked to Mom.
"Romantic comedies, do our nails, gossip..."
"Gross." You nudge Mike.
"Sure! That sounds fun." Mom answered, forking her food.
"Toast? No?" Nancy asked Holly.

You walked outside with Nancy as she headed to a car.
"See you at school." You wave to her.
She nodded her head before entering a familiar car. That's Jonathan's car. You quickly walk inside, not wanting to make eye contact.
"Don't forget your bag, Y/n." Mom said as she scrubbed the dishes.
"Of course." You smile, reaching for your bag.
You sped your car to school, parking it and dressing out for p.e.

"Let's go. Pass it up now. Get open!" The couch said as he blew his whistle.
You were benched, again, so you sat down, waiting for whatever to happen.
"Alright! Alright, alright!" Billy laughed, dribbling the ball. "King Steve. King Steve, everyone."
You roll your eyes before repositioning yourself on the bench
"I like it. Playing tough today." Billy added.
"Jeez! Do you ever stop talking?" Steve yelled. "Come on."
Billy just laughed it off. "What? You afraid the coach gonna bench you? Now that I'm here? Huh?"

Billy ran with the ball, pushing Steve aggressively to the ground. Then shooting the ball into the hoop. You look at your benched teammates as they admire Billy. You gagged at the thought of him.
"Come on! Dress out!" The couch yelled, blowing the whistle.
You walked into the bathroom, removing your p.e clothes as you swapped it with your other clothing.
You walked out the bathrooms, surprised to see Steve waiting for you.

"Uh, hey." You said.
"Hey." Steve looked at you, rubbing his head.
"What's wrong? Do you need anything?" You ask.
"Yeah... where's, uh, Nancy?" He replied.
"Oh, I... I thought she came today." You stutter.
"Tommy said she ran off with your friend, Jonathan." Steve said.
"Oh, yeah. I saw them, this morning." You said softly. "Why do you need to know?"
"I... never mind." Steve muttered before parting ways with you.

The bell rang, signaling 3:15. You walked out in the parking lot.
"Hey!"A familiar voice shouted. "Wheeler!"
You look up to see Billy, calling your name. You groan before turning the other way.
"Y/n!" The voice yelled again.
"What?" You turned around, throwing your arms in the air.
You looked at Billy as he signaled you to come here.
You walk up to him, looking at him in the eyes.
"What?" You groan.
"Do you wanna hang out?" He asked.
"No." You answer in a flat voice.
"Come on, I know you want to." Billy said in a playful tone, leaning onto his car. "I've seen how you look at me."
"What? I don't look at you, that way." You scoffed before walking away.
"Hey, wait-" He called out.
You continued walking away, feeling annoyed by the presence of Billy.
You walked to your car, driving it home.

"Nancy!" You yell, dropping your keys on the counter. "Nancy! Are you home?"
"Hey Y/n." Dad said, walking in with a newspaper.
"Hey Dad, is Nance home?" You ask.
"Nope. She's probably at Stacey's house already."
"Oh, okay." You walked upstairs.
You ran to your room as soon as you heard the phone ring.
"Hello?" You said.
"Hey, Wheeler." Steve greeted you.
"Oh, hey." You sat down. "Nancy, isn't here, if you're looking for her."
"No, I called for you." Steve said. "I need to you meet me at my house."
"What?" You questioned as he ended the call.

Stranger Things | s2 | y/n pov Where stories live. Discover now