I Turned Around

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***Attention, Buckingham Nicks Fans***

Those of you who've read my other stories will note some repetition...which is on purpose. I have hinted at little parts of the infamous scene the night "innocence was lost," according to Stevie...the night at the motel in L.A. where they officially became a couple and Buckingham Nicks was born. Now, I am pleased to present the scene in its entirety.

Much romance and emotion ahead, followed by much sexy stuff next chapter! Enjoy! <3

Los Angeles, California
Friday December 4, 1970

"Hi. I'm Keith Olsen."

Stevie and Lindsey were both trying their best not to look like the nervous wrecks they were as they sat down in front the desk and shook hands with the young man with long blonde hair and a permanent grin who sat down before them.

"I'm Lindsey Buckingham, and this is Stevie Nicks." Lindsey tried to remember what his father had once told him about a firm handshake during job interviews, even though Morris had pretty much given up on his song getting a nine-to-five job at this point. Lindsey had turned twenty-one in October, and he'd been in a rock and roll band of some kind since he'd been sixteen...but that didn't mean his father's advice didn't count for anything in the music industry, either.

"Great meeting you guys, really," Keith Olsen said as he shifted into a better position in his chair. "I heard that demo reel and I've got to tell you...excellent stuff, really. Perfect harmonies...I mean...spot on!"

"Thank you," Stevie said first, Lindsey echoing her words. Perfect harmony, she thought, stealing a glance at Lindsey before turning her attention to Keith Olsen.

"I've got to start off by telling you, Mr. Olsen, I'm a little bit confused as to why Javier and Brian and Bob weren't called into this meeting." They had all driven in from San Francisco together, a road trip from hell in two cars, and they had all met with a few executives at the Polydor offices yesterday as a group. That was when a man had cornered Stevie and Lindsey at the elevator and told them to come back tomorrow, just the two of them. Stevie had been lying awake at three in the morning in her room at the Tropicana Motel, all kinds of ideas floating through her mind of what they could possibly want to see them alone for, when a knock had sounded at her door.

"Lindsey!" She tugged at the pink quilted bathrobe she wore over her nightgown with matching slippers, suddenly very acutely aware that she wore no makeup and her hair was a mess from tossing and turning. "Why aren't you asleep?"

"Bob snores...but you have no room mate to speak of, so I could ask you the same," Lindsey said. He wore plaid pajama bottoms and a t-shirt, and she wondered how he wasn't too cold without a jacket on.

"Same as you, probably...confused as hell about Polydor," she said. "And a nervous wreck, thank you very much."

"I have a cure for that!" Lindsey pulled from the pocket of his pajamas half a joint and a lighter, and he smiled. "Come with me," he said, and Stevie grabbed her room key with a smile, then followed him out onto the balcony of the motel overlooking the pool on the ground floor. They stood smoking out into the darkness, not saying a word, until finally, Lindsey said, "They're going to try to single some of us out, you know."

"How do you mean?" Stevie exhaled marijuana smoke and passed the joint back to him, thinking the last thing she needed was to have bloodshot eyes tomorrow...but the pot did wonders for her anxiety...

"It's obvious that Polydor has their eye on us, or maybe the other way around and WE get the boot...who knows...but the thing to remember is this is business." He took a long drag and then exhaled slowly, almost managing a smoke curl into the December night air.

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