Like The Love That Had Finally, Finally Found Me (Part 1)

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***Attention, Buckingham Nicks Fans***
The two coming chapters, as I stated in the last one, will contain the original snippets of their first night together as I've shown in flashbacks in other stories. (I was going to put them in bed last chapter but it was getting too long.)

Much sap and some sex (some sap and much sex?) ahead. Have fun! <3

Tropicana Motel
Los Angeles, California
Friday, December 4, 1970

She seemed even tinier when she was lying down.

They had been making out on the bed for awhile now, lying on top of the covers that were rumpled from their little picnic of burgers and fries and cheap champagne, and the first thing Lindsey noticed was just how petite Stevie was. It wasn't just that she wasn't wearing her big platform boots - those had been discarded when they'd sat down to dinner - she was just...tiny. She was thin and slight and she had such little hands, he thought as they touched his face while he kissed her. She fit perfectly in his arms, like a little bird or some other tiny creature that he felt fiercely protective of suddenly, like it was officially his job now to keep her safe and warm and never let her go. All they had done so far was kiss - and yeah, maybe his hand had just grazed her breast under her sweater on its way up the length of her body and into her hair - but he would be lying if he said he didn't want to go further tonight. Right now he was just enjoying the taste of her, his tongue gently exploring her mouth as she did the same with her own, and he thought then that even the simplest brush of Stevie's lips with his, which had happened only about ten minutes ago, was more incredibly sensual and erotic and life-changing than three years of making love with Sally, when she'd finally been ready. This was entirely different; Stevie's mouth was warm and welcoming and tasted like champagne and soda and her lips were soft and sweet...and he felt himself getting as lost in her mouth as he always had in her eyes.

"Stephanie..." he whispered against her lips in between soft, barely-there pecks now, both of them breathless and needing a moment to recover from the deep, soulful open-mouthed kisses they had just shared as they lay side by side, turned into one another completely, their heads on one pillow her hand at his cheek. She rubbed an affectionate thumb against his cheekbone before sliding it down into the closely-groomed beard she'd told him she liked better than the mutton-chop sideburns he'd had before, and as his lips left hers to begin a soft, tender trail of kisses along the curve of her neck, moving her hair away with delicate fingers, he heard a little moan of satisfaction escape her and he felt himself growing instantly more aroused than he had been the entire time they'd been kissing...maybe the most aroused he'd been ever.

"Baby..." Stevie had no idea where that came from, but it felt so natural, a whisper that fell somewhere into his hair as he sucked gently at the skin of her neck, urging him to go further, to kiss more of her...and she wished they had thought to turn off the lights before they'd kissed their way onto the bed.

"So soft..." he murmured into her hair as he began to twirl it in his fingers, his mouth grazing her skin just slightly as he made his way along her jawline and to her collarbone. His fingers found the thin braid she wore on the other side of her hair, hiding among the long, silly golden strands, and he smiled, playing it around his fingers and saying, "Beautiful...a little golden braid." The braid, as well as some of the hair around it, was grabbed up into his hand as he leaned in to kiss her again, a little rougher this time, Stevie moaning into his mouth as he parted her lips with his tongue and dove right in again to taste her, pulling her closer to him. She could feel how hard he was and she couldn't help herself; she pressed her hips into him as close as she could, an ache in her body she'd never felt before somehow quelled temporarily by the suddenly closeness. Lindsey couldn't help but let out a small groan at the sudden shift of her body into his, and he whispered into her ear where he'd been nibbling lightly, "I need you, angel...I just...I can't get enough of you...please, Stephanie...I need you." His head rested against her chest, almost lying on top of her now, his fingers walking slowly up her arm as he nuzzled into her sweater and smelled gardenia and felt like the luckiest man on the planet for being this close to her.

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