Chapter Six

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(That's Caster's Blaster, why post a pic of it now? Well lets found out.)

It had been a month or so now, CQ's kids had helped Caster a lot. Though in that time Geno had been in and out of the hospital a few times. And got invited to a birthday party, Princyrus thinking this maybe helpful for Caster's social skills asked if they to could come. With the mother of the birthday boys allowed after hearing a bit of Caster's backstory. As Princyrus expected Caster mostly stayed around Geno and the others than interact with the newer kids. Though on the bright side Caster could finally control their font. Unless they were massively upset, then it defaulted back to Webdings. About part way through the party Caster realized they didn't have a gift for the birthday boys. Launa saying they didn't need to but Caster insisted on doing something for them later With Princyrus' permission if they were allowed to use their full magic. Curious Princyrus said he would think about it. After that it was a basic kids party for a bit.

Reggie: "That one with the scars freaks me out, there's something weird about them. Why's your bro got such weird ass friends."

Sour: "Shut it ass wipe, that kids been through hell so I've been told. So just don't be you for once."

Reggie: "Whatever, freaking babies hanging out here is bad enough without freaks."

Geno: "Hey, mind if I watch for a bit?"

Sour: "Sure, knock yourself out."

Reggie: "Dude check it." 

As Geno walked past Reggie tripped him, knocking the wind out of Geno making him cough harshly.

Sour: "DUDE what the hell?"

Sour ran over to help Geno, as Fresh started to get angered. But before he could do anything, Reggie was hanging in mid air by the neck. Coughing to a death that would never come.

Caster: "You. Hurt. My. Friend..." 

Turning to see Caster everyone was shocked to see how truly terrifying their face was. It was like Death was staring at Reggie, and Death was angry.... Decan quickly ran off to get an adult. Not sure what Caster was going to do but scared of what might happen. 

Reggie: "L-LET ME D-DOWN FREAK!!" 

As Reggie tried to burn the wires, he heard the sound of some kind of magic. And looking up, he was face to face with a large grey dragon skull.

Reggie: "Wh-wh-what the fuck is this thing~!?"

Caster: "🎵Hey, put on happy face~! And everything's okay~!🎶" 

The dragon's jaw cracked as it opened a swirl of purple magic gathering, only for it and the blaster to vanish when Princyrus knocked out Caster from behind. Reggie soon fell onto the couch basically uninjured. 

Launa: "Alright, who want's to explain?"

A few hours later, Caster was still knocked out, Reggie had gone home, most likely scarred for life. And it was quiet, very quiet.

Princyrus: "I... I'm sorry, I honestly didn't see this coming. I didn't think Caster would get that angry at his friend getting hurt."

Launa: "It's fine, and shouldn't you be happy they're that close already? Caster was just protecting their friend right? It's Reggie that shouldn't have..."

She sighed loudly, not really knowing what to say really. On one hand Caster probably over reacted. And on the other, it was a good thing they thought of Geno as someone important. But the real shock was Caster teleporting to Geno as soon as they woke up to check on them.

Caster: "Geno?!" 

Geno: "I'm okay... just tired." 

Caster: "... You'll be in the hospital by next week, dying."

Geno: "W-what?"

Caster: "I could help you though if you want. I know why you're sick."

Error: "What... You've known why Geno was sick this whole time?! AND YOU DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING?!?!?"

Caster: "I didn't wanna mess up the story..."

Fresh: "What story Bruh?"

Caster: "Your story..."

Error: "If you could have helped earlier why not then and why now?!"

Asy: "I want to know that myself."

Caster: "Cause changing the story means changing the future, bit I just did that by snapping on Reggie so now Geno could actually Die in the hospital instead of surviving!" 

Asy: "Okay say all this is true, why is Geno sick?"

Caster: "He has a repressed soul Trait or something like that. His soul should have two traits but one is being blocked by something."

Asy: "Okay, how can we fix it." 

Caster: "With something extremely powerful, why need to unlock Geno's Determination."

Princyrus: "Geno's Determination?

CQ: "Geno has Determination?"

Caster: "He's supposed to but it's blocked or repressed or whatever." 

Princyrus: "Okay, how are you going to unlock it... Cause I'm not sure if that's a good idea."

Caster: "I figured out how to make portals... I could leave soon if I wanted I should make sure Geno doesn't die no matter what."

Caster reached for their magical restraint, but before hand, they did something no one should be able to do in this day in age. Summoned a battle box... as the world became black and white around the kids and Asy. The rest of them were locked out of the box and were shocked to even see it.

Princyrus: "A battle box?! How~?!"

Asy: "Kid... what are you going to do?"

The wired up Asy Error and Fresh summoning three blasters. 

Caster: "Come on Geno, Save your brother's and Uncle. Show me your Determination."

Fresh: "So dats what they're doing, tryin ta get Geno riled up and unlock his second soul trait."

Geno started to panic, what was Caster doing!? He needed to do something, his family was in danger, or were they? Seeing Geno's confliction Caster Fired a blue beam as Asy who flinch and froze up. When the beam ended Asy realize he took no damage at all. Geno though, didn't and snapped. With a roar of Determination he summoned a lot of magic and his own blaster, much to everyone's shock. Caster put the three of them down Asy gently grabbing Geno's shoulder. 

Geno: "U-uncle Asy?"

Asy: "I'm fine, just shocked that they can use forgotten magic."

Geno calmed down their blaster vanishing as they hugged Asy Error and Fresh.

Caster: "To clarify, Decans' has the same illness only a different trait."

Fresh: "Dat right, huh interesting."

Princyrus: "Well while I do not approve of the method it seems to have worked. I can feel their Determination from here."

Caster dropped the battle box expecting to be punished in someway only to have their friends hug them tightly.

Caster: "Wh-what? I don't understand..."

Launa: "And that's part of the issue, you don't seem to realize you mean as much to them as they do to you."

All the adults nodded in agreement leaving Caster even more confused. They tried to make them hate them so they could leave. But it only seemed to make the four of them closer, it was confusing, and didn't make sense. And they got the feeling, they weren't going to be able to leave this Multiverse anytime soon.

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