chapter 1

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Ever since diluc came around to inazuma thoma and him were inseparable. they shared apartments together and worked at the same place.

they were like brothers.

they had pets living with them too.
thoma had a dog, and diluc had a hawk.
the thing thoma couldn't stand about diluc's hawk was that it left feathers around the place. one time it left a feather on his nose while he was asleep.
it interrupted thoma's beauty sleep.

they worked at a bar in a club.
they didn't work there to just see naked women dancing on poles. they were just there for the flying money that crazy drunk men threw around.
and yes, of course they did not like the smell of alcohol on them.
including the drunk women too.
boy, were they a pain in the asses to handle. they'd hook up with thoma or diluc during their times.

thoma wasn't really attracted to

and diluc knows that.

people would ask thoma if he was taken. as his response, he'd give off an annoying scoff then give his sweet innocent voice.
"Sorry, i'm not interested."

thoma was pretty hard to get.

as for diluc, he'd try to approach thoma to help him out on situations like those but thoma always denied and said he'd deal with it on his own.
and he did.
thoma's responses were always heart breaking but it made diluc chuckle from afar just seeing those drunk women getting rejected by thoma and
begging him.

at the end of work they'd leave either sighing out of exhaustion or just tired.
work was always a pain in the ass.

but the best thing is that sometimes thoma would sneak himself out the bar table and scoot himself in the crowd kneeling, looking for left over money that was flown on the ground.
he'd almost got caught multiple times and had diluc to cover for him.

god, was thoma reckless during work times.


5:27, friday

"mmm.." groans came out from thoma's mouth. barking, from taroumaru, and bird wings flocking around thoma's face.

diluc knocked on the wide open door,
hands and feet crossed. all ready for work. "thoma wake up. it's 5:29."
thoma groaned. thoma was on the verge of snapping that damn bird's wings.

"finee!! uggggghhhh.." diluc laughed.
thoma pushed off his blanket and his
long pillow he hugs and cuddles when he sleeps.

thoma got off his bed scratching his bed hair, making it more messy.
"i just want to call off sick." thoma whined. "well? money, money."
thoma huffed, "okay okay, get out i'ma get ready noowww."
thoma flicked his hands out. kicking everyone that was in his room.

and shut the door closed for privacy.
and then flopped himself on his bed.
"mm.. just five more minutes.."
thoma mumbled.

"and don't think of going back to sleep thoma."

thoma opened his eyes and groaned once again. stripping himself off and changing into his uniform.
diluc knew thoma too well.
"uggghh, fuck you dilucc" diluc scoffed, "so vulgar thoma." thoma yelled back, tying his blond soft hair into a pony tail with a red velvet rope. "whatever! it's not like you cuss too!"

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