chapter 24

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anxiously, the bluenette tapped onto the wooden table as he waited for some who. it's been about 15 minutes and worriedly, he wonders if that someone will be actually coming or not. at every single jangle of the bell at the door of the cafe, he quickly turns his head to the door but it is not the person he expects.

another jangle from the bell, ayato bares to look anymore. why still wait when they're minutes late? "sorry, am i late?" a blond approaches. "oh, no you're not." ayato's eyes widen. he slightly stood up but then sat down as thoma sat down across him. "i haven't ordered anything. do you want something? you don't have to worry about paying, ill pay it all."

thoma's brows furrowed, "just an iced coffee, sweet and vanilla flavored. not too strong please." ayato nodded, as he got out of his seat. he hid the extra sweater he brought with him.

a small scoff came out the blond's mouth just as ayato went to order their drinks. "and he still generously spoils people." thoma covered his face as he slightly blushed. the feelings for ayato were still there. just as bad as he wants to stop having those feelings for ayato, he doesn't want to stop it either. he has to admit it, his heart did a few flips and stop when he saw ayato text him during that time. there's gotta be some reason why ayato texted to meet up. thoma realized what he was thinking about and shook his head slightly, he can't forget about the time-

a drink was shoved to his face. "im not sure if i got your order right or not" thoma took a sip of his coffee. he hummed in relief. "it's okay, you don't have to worry. sorry i was late, i got caught up on something and had to feed taroumaru." ayato fiddled around with his sweater button, "it's okay, you werent late. i just got here a few or so" thoma nodded slowly as he drank his coffee. the silence between them got so awkward. thoma frantically thought of what to say or a topic to bring up to keep the awkwardness away.

"hows.. hows uhm, hows diluc?" ayato asked hesitantly. surprised thoma, he didn't expect ayato to bring a topic. "he's doing alright. our schedules for our work are not the same anymore so were alternating now." the blond light scratched his hair. "right, forgot that he works at a bar." ayato spoke to himself. "how are you?" thoma brought up, "i should be the one asking that actually."

thoma rose an eyebrow, "well, im good actually.. things has been getting smoother now" thoma fidgetted with his hands. "what about you?" thoma didn't bat an eye to ayato and kept playing around with his hands. the bluenette was hesitant to speak."thoma, i, im sorry for what i did a few weeks ago and about the vdieo, i know you don't believe me but im not using you i just said that because i was afraid that people might judge me for being gay, and im sorry that i made you go through my selfishness side by making you my girlfriend and act like a girl, and im sorry that i kissed you out of know where when you were upset with me. i just don't wanna be away from you any longer and i just really love you but if you don't feel the same.. we can still be friends."

ayato immediately grabbed thoma's hands and squeezed tighter and tighter as he kept going on and apologizing. thoma's eyes widen, "i just miss you and i was too dumb to realize what you felt while i made you go through that and i get it, im careless and only cares about myself but now that you're gone all i care about is you now and—" thoma pulled ayato lightly over the table causing him to stop his rant. "im- im so sorry, i got it ahead of me." he immediately let go of thoma's hands as thoma tried to hide a giggle.

"it's okay, i forgive you.." thoma spoke as he looked down on his lap. "you do!?" ayato stood up as he exclaimed. he looked around and sat down in embarrassment as he saw all eyes on him. "and i have a confession too.. i still like you too ayato, i tried to get over you but i couldn't. we can give each other another try.. but i want to go slow this time."  thoma didn't even take his eyes off his lap nor even look at ayato. "slow.. yeah, we'll go slow." ayato sounded determined. "i've listened to diluc's advice, and i believe you. you said that you used me because you were afraid of your reputation getting destroyed because of your sexual orientation. i can relate, but please.. don't do that again.."

it was silent. thoma was concerned but he didn't want to look up. suddenly, his face was grabbed and he was looking at ayato. thoma was shocked at the sudden movement. "i wont ever do that again and i promise to go slow everytime and make sure every feeling is mutual. so please thoma, i want to give you my all and restart." ayato's face got closer to thoma's as he noticed ayato's sincere gaze that was not just looking at his eyes but also his lips too. thoma placed a hand over ayato's softly, "i trust you."

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