Forth Of July Fireworks

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"Damn these lines are so long!" I whined while waiting on twenty other people to buy their tickets, just in the line we were standing in.

"They expect fifty thousand people to be here to watch the fireworks tonight." my friend Maggie responded to my complaint.

There were people everywhere. The downtown streets were blocked off with vendor booths lining both sides and mobs of people in lines, walking through the streets, and some starting to collect on blankets and bag chairs in the grassy areas. There were stages erected at several of the blocked ends of the streets and a cacophony of music and conversation floating in the air. It was stifling hot outside and standing on the blacktop road only seemed to make it worse.

"I hate that they make us have to buy tickets." I said as I put my vape to my mouth and pulled two lungs full of Strawberry Cush vapor in and exhaled straight up into the air.

Again, Maggie explained to me that it was more secure to have all of the vendors accept tickets than take the chance of them getting robbed. There were ticket booths scattered throughout the streets and every one of them had crazy long lines.

After what seemed like forever, baking on the hot street, we finally made it to the table. "How many?" the older man under the tent asked.

"Are there deals for buying a lot?" Maggie asked.

"No darlin, one dollar per ticket. Beer is four tickets, food is between two and five tickets." the old man told us. "And there are no refunds for unused tickets." he finished.

Maggie bought twenty-five and I decided on thirty tickets and we made our way down the middle of Main Street through the crowd. There were freshly squeezed lemonade stands, and various food vendors from french fries, to pizza to gyros and ice cream and other goodies too.

"Where are the beer tents?" I asked.
"They're usually at the ends near the stages." Maggie informed me.

I was new to town and this was the first time I had been to a downtown block party. I moved from a much smaller town, almost a village. "We brought our beer to the fairgrounds and tailgated fireworks. Probably less than a thousand people were sitting on tailgates or blankets behind their cars." I told Maggie as I remembered all of the childhood fun we had on the fourth.

When I was seventeen, I snuck off with Mike to the woods at the edge of the fairgrounds. We had snuck some of my dad's liquor and Mike brought some weed and we got wasted. That was the night I gave Mike his first blowjob. This was utter chaos to my small town mind.

As one genre of music got louder, I spotted the beer tent. Most of the food vendors had little pop-up canopies over their tables, and the food trucks had awnings but the big beautiful red and white striped top of the beer tent shone like diamonds to my eyes. After twenty minutes in line and a half-mile walk, I was ready for a cold one. I steered us in relief's direction.

Inside the tent, there was a makeshift bar with folding tables and chairs scattered around underneath it and fans. Most of the seats were full and a small group of people stood around the bar waiting for their drinks. Signs were stuck randomly around on the inside poles of the tents. Some were lists of what was available for purchase and others warned of fines for taking the alcohol outside of the tents. "Damn city life." I mumbled under my breath as we approached the bar.

"What time do the fireworks start?" I asked Maggie but before she could answer, a man next to her let us know that they would start at 9:45. I looked down at my watch to see it was only 6:15. We grabbed our beers and found an empty table to sit at for a while.

"So," Maggie started, "you've been here a few months now, any new friends?" as she dragged the 'friends' out in a teasing tone making her curiosity obvious.

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