Prologue: The Dream

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I opened my eyes and looked around. I was in a room, which was more of an oblivion of white. I could not tell where the walls ended and where the floor began. There was no reason to find an exit, it looked as though it would be an eternity before I found anything. Suddenly, out of the oblivion came a woman. She smiled at me, kindly. I had only seen flashes of her before in my more lucid dreams or other hallucinations. Normally, I associated her face with fear but I didn't know why.
"Hello, darling." She spoke to me, still grinning. I smiled in reply. But my smile quickly dropped, yet my eyes still stayed on her. She stepped towards me.
"Dear, what's wrong?" She asked, concerned, placing her hand on my cheek. Her hand was cold, almost corresponding with her cold appearance; her pale skin, raven hair, black dress and, most outstanding of all, her icy blue eyes which peered into mine with care and concern, almost as a mothers would. I knew none of it was real. I pushed her hand away.
"No." I spoke, refusing to look at her. "Stop."
"Don't you remember me?" She asked, taking another step toward me. As of this point, I was angry. Would she not leave me alone?
"I guess not." She said, stepping back. I looked at her, once more. Her grin changed, as if holding irony, keeping in laughter of future events. She turned and began walking away, into the oblivion. She cackled, letting it echo around us. She spoke over her shoulder, to me;
"Oh, but you will. You very well will."

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