1D Inside Jokes

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6 R's:
    So there are SIX r's because, there was this one time, when they were prank calling someone, and so they pretended to order something, the person on the phone asked what their names were, and they said, Terrrrrrance, the person asked to spell it. So they said okay well, T-E-R-R-R-R-R-R-A-N-C-E and the guy asked, okay wait so how many r's? They responded with 6. And that's why it's 6 r's.

         As for Kevin, Kevin was a stuffed pigeon, that was in one of their video Diaries.

        In a video Louis said that he likes girls, who eat carrots.

        Zayn is in love with himself, because the boys said he likes to stare at the mirror a lot. And, they made fun of him, saying how much Zayn loves himself. 

        Potato is a popular word used, because the boys made fun of how Niall says potato with his Irish accent.  

       Nando's is a popular thing used, in the inside jokes, because it's Niall's favorite restaurant, one that you can't find in America. And Niall loves to eat, so he probably wipes out Nando's. 

      Cat's is something used, because in an interview, when a lady asked if you had only one day to live, what would you do? Harry said that he would get as many cats as he could....And by that he meant...You know. 'cats' ;) and that's why Harry calls the cats "pussies"

Liam's Capboard:
        Because this one time, people hid Liam's laptop in a cupboard, so they kept saying Liam's cupboard.  

✖ Spoons:
Liam, doesn't like spoons, every since he was a little he had a strange fear of spoons.

✖ Larry Stylinson:
Larry Stylinson, is the ship name of Harry and Louis, because they look like they love each other a lot. And in photo's it seems rather obvious. 

The 6'th member of 1D:
The 'sixth' member of One Direction, is Ed Sheeran. But in an interview they were asked 'if there was a 6'th member who would you want it to be?' they all answerd Bruno Mars. 

✖ Status Single:
Liam's dad wanted the band to be called Status Single

✖ 4 nipples:
Harry has four nipples, and you can see it clearly in the KISS YOU video where he tries to cover all four of them 

            Zayn Malik original name is Zain and it's an arabic name  

✖ Bradford Bad Boi:
 It's Zayn's nickname, he is originaly from Bradford and everybody refears to him as the bod boy and the use of "i" instead of "y" is beacause of Zayn's prononciation 

✖ Boobear, Swagmasta from Doncasta:
 Are Louis' nicknames and again the use of Swagmasta and Doncesta instead of Swagmaster and Doncester is because of Louis' prononciation  

✖ Turtles:
 Liam is a huge fan of Disney movies and more specificly Toy Story

✖ Katy Perry is one replay:
Because thanks to her our Nialler (Niall's nickname) is a memeber of One Direction. Katy was the last judje to vote of Niall in the X-Factor.  

✖ Niall hugs
 Niall is well known that he gives the best hugs. 

Move like a jagger wink:
        In a Twitcam of Liamhe explained that in the video Christina aguilera kept winking all the time 

NO, Jimmy protested:
        In the X-Factors video diaries Louis was reading a story and screamed NO, Jimmy protested 

       It means Laughing Like Niall. 

 ✖ Vas Happenin':
 Zayn Malik's favorite line is Vas Happenin' which has the same meaning as what's happening or what's up !!! 


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