Chapter Two

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Two days had passed since my little meeting with Lana and I hadn't seen her once. Now the weekend had arrived I felt slightly safer from her evil glares. Feeling more relaxed, I realised that I still needed to start working on my essay for Mr Greg. I sighed deeply and got out a pen. I would much rather be spending time outside with Meg, Jess and Ashleigh than stuck inside all weekend but I suppose it had to be done.

Two hours later, I put my pen down actually feeling quite proud of my essay. Who knew that I could write three whole pages about two long dead boring poets? The writing at the bottom was slightly messy and illegible but I couldn't stay inside any longer. I called Meg telling her to meet me at Frodo's coffee shop in 15 minutes. I quickly replaced my skimpy summer pj's for some shorts, a vest and pulled on my flipflops applying a tiny bit a makeup before rushing downstairs. My older brother sat at the table ingrossed in a book, some toast half way to his mouth.

"Close your mouth James" I snickered as he sighed looking up at me.

"Go away" he mumbled crunching down on his Marmite coated slice of toast.

"Tell mum I'm with Meg please" I asked him before dashing out of the door and walking briskly to the coffee shop. I pushed open the door of Frodo's and was blasted with cold air from the air conditioning immediately. I didn't realise just how hot it was outside, but then again it was June. I looked around and spotted Meg's curly head sitting at one of the tables by the window, her back to me. I slipped into the seat opposite her making her jump.

"Jesus Wils!" She cried as I laughed at her expression. She reached across to slap me but I pulled my arm away poking my tongue out at her. She laughed again and we began our normal conversation of boys, clothes and the Winter ball.

"I just can't wait to start looking for dresses!" Meg exclaimed dreamily. "We should go shopping together!" The ball was 6 months away but already everyone was getting excited, Meg especially. I knew from experience that there was nothing more exciting than dressing up for a formal occasion for Meg. She adored the makeup, the hair, the dresses, everything. I sat there listening to her warble on about her perfect ball dress when someone caught my eye.

A boy stood outside the window, talking furiously into his phone. His well-defined body showed through his white polo shirt and his shorts hung low on his hips, temptingly low. His skin was pearly white which complimented his dark hair and eyes beautifully.

"Willow.. Hello?" Meg waved her hand in front of my face. Without my eyes leaving the boy, I signalled for Meg to look at him. I heard her let a breath out as she saw him.

"Phwaaar. Isn't he a beauty?" She laughed and I felt my lips curve, he truly was gorgeous. Just then he ended his call and turned as if he could hear us talking. He glanced at Meg then looked directly at me, his chocolate eyes making me melt inside. They seemed to go on forever, reminding me of the puppy I used to have.

Then suddenly he turned and walked off abruptly leaving me feeling empty. What was my problem? I'd only seen this boy for a couple of minutes yet my heart was racing. I blinked, trying to stop my thoughts rushing around my head and I saw Meg giving me her look. Urghh she knew me too well.

"Well he was hot" she said, raising her eyebrow. She desperately wanted to know what I was thinking although she had probably already guessed.

"Yeah, he was.." I replied, not knowing what to say. He was perfect. Perfect. Perfect. Perfect.

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